Infiltrator Wing rank system
Although a Member's overall status within the Fleet will be entirely determined by their position, the following military ranks are presented to further stratify the Emperor's Hammer Infiltrator Wing and give something for members to strive to attain. The position of a member will always take precedence over conflicting ranks (i.e. a Flight Leader who is a Lieutenant Colonel (LC) does not outrank a Squadron Commander who is a Captain). The primary use of the ranks will be to determine minimum standards for the various positions.
A member may retain a rank achieved in a previous assignment to a higher command position even if his current position does not warrant a promotion to that rank.
Flag/Admiralty Ranks of the Infiltrator Wing | ||
High Admiral | ![]() |
High Admiral (HA) was a flag rank within the Infiltrator Wing. This rank was solely reserved as highest possible promotion of the Infiltrator Wing Commander (IWCOM). |
Fleet Admiral | ![]() |
Fleet Admiral (FA) was a flag rank within the Infiltrator Wing.
An exemplary IWXO or IWCOM was maybe promoted to this high prestigious Rank of a Fleet Admiral. It was the highest Rank an IWXO was able to achieve. |
Admiral | ![]() |
Admiral (AD) was a flag rank within the Infiltrator Wing.
Exemplary Commodores or IWCS Members were promoted to the prestigious rank of Admiral. It was also the highest rank a Commodore or a IWCS Member (exept the IWXO and IWCOM) were able to achieve. |
Vice Admiral | ![]() |
Vice Admiral (VA) was a flag rank within the Infiltrator Wing.
Proven Commodores or IWCS Members were promoted to Vice Admiral. |
Rear Admiral | ![]() |
Rear Admiral (RA) was a flag rank within the Infiltrator Wing.
Proven Commodores or IWCS Members were promoted to Rear Admiral. It was also the minimum Rank of the Infiltrator Wing Commander (IWCOM). Exemplary full time IWCS:A were also able to be promoted to this rank, it was also the highest achievable rank for them. |
Line Admiral | ![]() |
Line Admiral (LA) was a flag rank within the Infiltrator Wing.
Proven Commodores or IWCS Members were promoted to Line Admiral. Full time IWCS:A were also able to be promoted to this Rank. |
Brevet Admiral | ![]() |
Brevet Admiral (RA) was the minimum rank for Commodores (COM), and IWCS. It required passing the Commodores Exam (ComEx).
Members must have served as a BA for a minimum number of months. This was determined by the rank they were before they were promoted to BA. i.e. A COL was promoted to COM and BA would have to wait at least 4 months before being considered for promotion to Line Admiral as COL is 4 ranks below BA. The Brevet Admiral was a temporary Rank for new COMs and IWCS who had passed the ComEx. BAs who decided to retire before being promoted to the the rank of Line Admiral were awarded the rank of General in the IW Reserves, this was of course subject to change by the IWCOM if he/she felt that the officer has not spent an acceptable time as a COM or IWCS member. Full time IWCS:A could also be promoted to this Rank. |
Line Ranks of the Infiltrator Wing | ||
General | ![]() |
General (GN) was reserved for exemplary Wing Commanders and was the highest rank a Wing Commander was able to achieve.
This rank was only for Wing Commanders, with the exception that a full time IWCS:A could also be promoted to this rank. |
Lieutenant General | ![]() |
Lieutenant General (LGN) was reserverd for exemplary Wing Commanders.
This Rank was only for Wing Commanders, with the exception that a full time IWCS:A could also be promoted to this rank. |
Brigadier | ![]() |
Brigadier (BRG) is the highest line rank in the Infiltrator Wing attainable for Squadron Commanders.
Exceptional Squadron Commanders and Wing Commanders may be promoted to the rank of Brigadier. |
Colonel | ![]() |
Colonel (COL) is the second-highest line rank in the Infiltrator Wing attainable for Squadron Commanders.
Members of this rank are typically Squadron Commanders. It was also common for Wing Commanders to hold this rank. |
Lieutenant Colonel | ![]() |
Lieutenant Colonel (LC) was held by exemplary Flight Leaders (FL) and Squadron Commanders (CMDR).
It was also the first promotion Rank for a proven Wing Commander (WC). Lieutenant-Colonel was the highest Rank a Flight Leader was able to achive. |
Major | ![]() |
Major (MAJ) was held by exemplary Flight Members, proven Flight Leader and Squadron Commanders.
It was also the highest rank a Flight Member was able to achieve. The rank of Major was the minimum Rank for a Wing Commander (WC). |
Captain | ![]() |
Captain (CPT) is a rank in the Infiltrator Wing. Members of this rank are often Flight Members, Flight Leaders, or Squadron Commanders.
It is typically awarded to a Squadron Commander who has proven themselves, but can be awarded to exceptional Flight Members and Flight Leaders as well. |
Commander | ![]() |
Commander (CM) is a rank in the Infiltrator Wing. Members of this rank are typically Flight Members or Flight Leaders.
Pilots of a lower rank that are appointed to Squadron Commander (CMDR) are also promoted to Commander. |
Lieutenant Commander | ![]() |
Lieutenant Commander (LCM) is a rank in the Infiltrator Wing. Members of this rank are typically Flight Members or Flight Leaders. |
1st Lieutenant | ![]() |
1st Lieutenant (1LT) is a rank in the Infiltrator Wing. This Rank was mostly held by Flight Members or Flight Leaders. |
2nd Lieutenant | ![]() |
Second Lieutenant (2LT) is a rank assigned to any Lieutenant Junior Grade who has passed an IWTA Course or sent in a completed pilot file for any approved EH Battle of 4 missions or more in length
or flew 2 or more matches in the IW Melee. |
Lieutenant Junior Grade | ![]() |
Lieutenant Junior Grade (LTJG) is the lowest rank assigned to members of the Infitrator Wing. It is the starting rank for newly assigned Flight Members who have completed Cadet training. No other positions may be assigned to members of this rank. |
Cadet | Cadet (CT) is the initial rank in the Infiltrator Wing. Members hold this rank before they completed their initial training. |
NL 29[edit]
IW Trainning manual in NL 29 listed the following rank system:
GA - Grand Admiral: Highest rank in the Emperor's Hammer. Runs the entire club.
SA - Sector Admiral: Limited to the Executive Officer of the Emperor's Hammer,
FA - Fleet Admiral: Highest "normal" Admiral ranking. Usually a high CO.
AD - Admiral: Middle Admiral ranking. Usually a CO.
VA - Vice Admiral: Middle Admiral ranking. Usually a Commodore or CO.
RA - Rear Admiral: Lowest Admiral ranking. Lowest rank to command a ship.
MG - Major General: Highest General ranking. Highest rank a CMDR can achieve.
LG - Lieutenant General: Middle General ranking. Highest rank a FL can achieve.
BG - Brigadier General: Interim General ranking. Highest rank a FM can achieve.
GN - General: Lowest General Ranking. Usually a new applicant to the IW.
CDR - Commander: The minimum entrance requirment for the IW.
NL 45[edit]
A new rank system is announced:
IW Rank | EH Equivilant |
War Marshal (WM) | Fleet Admiral |
Marshal (MAR) | Admiral |
Vice Marshal (VM) | Vice Admiral |
Echelon Marshal (EM) | Rear Admiral |
Colonel General (CG) | |
Master General (MG) | Major General |
Lieutenant General (LG) | Lieutenant General |
Brigadier General (BG) | Brigadier General |
Field General (FG) | General |
Colonel | Colonel |
NL 52 system[edit]
IW Rank | EH Equivilant |
Fleet Admiral | Fleet Admiral |
Admiral | Admiral |
Vice Admiral | Vice Admiral |
Rear Admiral | Rear Admiral |
Commodore | |
Captain | General |
Commander | Colonel |
Lt Colonel | |
Lt Commander | Major |
Flight Lieutenant | Commander |
Lt Commander | |
Lt | |
Sub Lt | Sub Lt |
Color Key | |
Fleet Command rank | |
Flag rank | |
Line rank |