Sam Rajax
![]() | |
Sam Rajax | |
Biographical Information | |
Homeworld: |
Kiffu |
Date of Birth: |
7 BBY |
Physical Description | |
Species: |
Kiffar |
Gender: |
Male |
Hair Colour: |
Dark Brown |
Eye Colour: |
Golden |
Height: |
1.7 meters |
Weight: |
70.3kg |
Social Information | |
Allies: | |
Enemies: | |
Combat Information | |
Lightsaber Name(s): |
Mandatum |
Lightsaber Form(s): |
Makashi |
Fighting Style: |
Personal Ship: |
None |
Career Information | |
Affiliation(s): |
Profession(s): |
Position(s): |
- "They say the force is a mystery, but one thing is clear... it serves me"
- — Sam Rajax
Sam Rajax, otherwise known as his full name of Samuel Tempus Rajax is a Kiffar Dark Jedi and Governor serving the Emperor's Hammer and the rest of the Empire's remnant. He is currently a Dark Jedi Knight in the Dark Brotherhood and a Baron in the Emperor's Hammer Directorate. If nothing else, Sam yearns for knowledge and power. He refuses to be named a weak and defenseless scholar of the Krath and will prove his worth through his knowledge.
Currently, his life mission is to use his resources that he has gained through the Dark Brotherhood and Directorate to hunt and gather Force Artifacts. He does, however, join missions in House Drakonan and more specifically the phyle, Dark Wizards when the reward suits him or helps him on his mission.
Sam Rajax is described as a good many things, but evil and powerful has got to be the most used...
Mental Description[edit]
Sam Rajax's personality reflects on his history, they're both filled with violence and gore.
Rajax is known to do anything to succeed, and will make sure he never fails. It's a proven fact that he will back stab an ally so that he gets all the glory. Sam thinks of himself as nobility and that he is better then all others. However, he will show respect to those that have earned it. The few people who have earned Rajax's respect are Cube Rancorous, Sam's former master; Miles Prower, a friend of Sam and his System Moff; Czulvang Lah, the Grand Master of the Dark Brotherhood; and last, but not least, the retired Farrin Xies, former Headmaster and Grand Moff.
Other then those limited people, he doesn't show respect and usually degrades them with insults. If they are ever caught alone, Sam might even instigate a fight if he really hates them, he currently only hates his rival Jaorrus Morraus.
In a battle, Sam is ruthless and won't give any sympathy for the weak. This includes his teammates as well. If somebody asks him to help them, he will refuse making them either do it themselves or perish.
Overall, he's very, very, very cold hearted. The only times he's ever nice is if he is attracted to someone, or requires their friendship for his own personal gain.
Physical Description[edit]
Rajax stands 6'2" (six feet two inches) tall and weighs around 175lbs (pounds). He has brown hair that he usually never styles, and just lets hang down. It's medium length, but hasn't been photographed any time soon. Before the restructure, he had short, shaved hair that wasn't more then half an inch long.
Despite being a Krath and supposed to be studying all the time, Sam is rather muscular. He isn't too muscular, though, but enough to lop a head off of a person's neck without any difficulty, a feat he is most proud of, and has tested. He was born with crystal blue eyes, but due to his Dark Side corruption taking a toll on his physical being they were turned into a crimson like color. Not to mention when truly in tune with his Dark Side powers. This is only truly shown when he's about to kill somebody, his face becomes a bit corroded and his skin starts to form cracks in it. Sometimes, they will even form scars -- this happens to be the reason he has three scars on his face. The scars make up a X shape on his left cheek, and have another on running up the right side of his face.
He is usually seen wearing his Krath Dark Jedi Knight robes, and unarmed when not on a mission. Although he is unarmed, he claims he isn't due to the Force being the best weapon of all. However, when on a mission he usually wears a brown cloak over his Light, custom Fiber Armor and, as always, his lightsaber Semitim clipped to his belt.
His other equipment varies from Cortosis Shield Wrist Blades, Krath Warswords, and personalized blasters. He usually always has some sort of tome or scroll for reading with him, along with a personal datapad for logging information.
Also, despite being a Kiffar, he doesn't seem to have any of their tattoos making him pass off as a regular human.
Sam Rajax's history is filled with perils and tragedies that have plagued his life since the start. It began with his parents dying, and the most recent was a terrible sickness.
Before the Hammer[edit]
Before he was placed into the Hammer Sam Rajax was known as Tyrka Stryfe. He was born in Dearic City, Talus. His mother and father's names were unknown as they both died when Tyrka was four.
For the next thirteen years he lived with his brothers in Dearic City, constantly hearing of the growing Imperial powers. A town called Sanctum Malleus. At the age of seventeen he was hired by his brothers who taught him everything they knew about mechanics. The three brothers created the Stryfe Starships. They were it was a company that repaired and built starships.
They were doing good, became a semi-wealthy family. At the age of twenty Tyrka moved to Corellia and joined the Bounty Hunter's Guild, which was at that time, serving the Galactic Empire and their Reform. They were having a small war with the CorSec on Corellia, which was invading much of their territory. He was invited into one of the most noble houses called the Crimson Nova. They hunted the Jedi and rogue Force Adepts who refused to fall to the Empire's will!
They trained him in the ways of martial arts, as those would be the only ways to defeat them without using the Force. Took him a year to learn the required martial arts to accept a mission, these two were Teras Kasi and Echani martial arts. He preferred the Teras Kasi training, but he'll rely on the Echani's abilities to sense the next movement in battle with a Jedi. Because he wasn't raised with many other Kiffar he never discovered his force powers, or Psychometery.
The Reformation of the Empire hired the Tyrka to hunt down a rogue Force Adept who refuses to join the reformation. The hunt was on an Iktotchi Force Adept named Tiikal Sho'jan. He's been killing off Imperial Stormtroopers and Dark Jedi serving the Empire. He was located on the planet of Felucia. It appeared he desired to study the life there, and perhaps locate the Sarlacc there.
He landed at the tip of the Ancient Abyss, looking down into the teeth and Sarlacc's pit. Cracking his neck and his knuckles he leaped onto a lower platform. Dressed in his Universal Clothing and equipped Cortosis Wrist Blades he quickly moved himself deeper and deeper into the Ancient Abyss. He could somehow sense where the Ikototchi Force Adept was. Thinking to himself he said Eighty meters to the left and twenty meters down.
Flipping down more he sent his wrist blades out, slicing at a tooth's gum area. Slashing right through it while still running it fell over, a large thump awoke the Felucians living close bye. A large blue Felucian leaped in front of him. This paused Tyrka for a moment, before he made a quick dash around the Felucian penetrating his skin with the Cortosis Wrist blade. He continued to cut through him as he spun around, kicking him onto the floor. Making the final blow to the Felucian, Tyrka whispered at him, "I've been trained to kill Jedi and their likes, your amateur Force control is nothing compared to the training and practice I've gone through." He sent the rest of the wrist blade into the Felucian's skull, instantly killing him.
The death of the Felucian drew the Force Adept closer, he didn't like the Felucian's blood being spilled. The adept rushed at him, force pulling a lightsaber hilt off of his belt. As the adept ignited it Tyrka parried the blade up with his two Cortosis Sheild wrist blades. This made the lightsaber short out. With the adept's main tool defective he was almost useless, however a wielder of the force is never useless.
As Tyrka made a dash to the man he retracted the Wrist Blades, placing himself in the Teras Kasi opening stance. His hands were spread apart making a flat palm. The Force Adept looked at him, calling upon the force move Alter Environment. Sending the move around Tyrka he formed a barrier of ice around him.
Looking into the Kiffar's eyes Tiikal spoke through the Force to him, "You are strong in the Force, why do you serve the Empire. You could rebel, you could be so much stronger! The Dark Side only weakens you."
Tyrka soon broke the connection and a burst of energy flew out of his hands. It seemed he too had control over the Force, however he couldn't use it as it was undeveloped. The thin layer of ice broke and Tyrka was free. Moving his hand back into the Teras Kasi positing he quickly spun around the Force adept, sending his palm into the back of his neck. It soon hit his spine, and in one powerful hit he was paralyzed, however they could still communicate through the Force.
"I'm not going to turn my back on the Empire, if you are true to your word I will go to the ancient homeworld of the Sith and learn the truth about them. I will understand how to use my abilities to kill off weaklings like you. I will not be killed like my parents, and the Empire is what's going to succeed. They are going to become strong, they will live!"
"Foolish Assassin, you're never going to win against the New Republic... You're an idiot to believe so."
"Goodbye, hunt."
Tyrka palmed the Force Adept's chest, winding and knocking him out. Carrying the Adept back to his Personal Ship called Huntress they flew back to Corellia, handing the adept over to the Guild master. Before handing him over, he looted the body, finding a small pyramid shaped object in his robes. Later on the ship he activated it. The object was a holocron, a holographic Dark Jedi arose from the holocron and talked about his journey and life at the Korriban Academy.
With the planet of Korriban widely known now it was easy to get there through hyperspace travel. Soon after landing he ventured into the Academy and looted a lot of the chests and footlockers in there. He found another holocron, it told of a great Dark Jedi-Mandalorian family, the Rajax. They've had Sith Lords in the ancient times and were at one time advisers to ancient Sith Kings.
Thinking to himself, he decided he needed a new name, he would be too widely known due to his family's starship business. Deciding to honor the ancient family of Rajax he renamed himself after them. However, that was only his surname, he still needed a first name. He took upon the name of Samuel an ancient Teras Kasi master.
The Brotherhood[edit]
Sam left the guild and decided for forward his own plans. He was constantly seen traveling to Korriban to meditate and take in the Dark Side presence there. This gave him a lust for power, and started his corrosion. His first act as a newly found Dark Jedi was to learn how to control his powers more. He looted everything he could find from the enclave on Korriban and it was basically made his new home. He found scrolls and tomes on how to control and use his new found powers along with the history of the Sith and other Dark Jedi types. His favorite were the Krath, those who were very potent in their Dark Side "Magics" and were founded by dabblers, much like Sam's self.
Not long after Sam felt the lust for battle again, and went to an Imperial School. The best school on "this side of Coruscant" some called it, but Imperial Weapons and Tactics School (IWATS) of the Emperor's Hammer was it's true name. The institute had a bunch of sub-academies where you could focus on a simple subject, but some of them such as the Intelligence Division and the Dark Brotherhood were restricted and required some type of entry task.
To get into the Dark Brotherhood you needed to be invited by another member, or be tested by the current Grandmaster. Rajax did the first of the two, and due to his capabilities of using the force he was invited in by a Dark Jedi Knight. His name remains unknown, but his command in the force was said to be powerful.
Inside of the Brotherhood there were three orders you could choose from, each of them had a specific purpose. Sith focused more on the protection of the Brotherhood with fighter piloting, the Obelisk focused on the protection of the brotherhood by using lightsaber combat, and the last of the three was the Krath, Sam's favorite, they focused on protecting the brotherhood by their knowledge and mastery of the Force.
Sam took the wrong path for him his first time around, and choose the Sith Order. He didn't enjoy it as much as he thought he would, as he didn't fight flying around to be the funnest thing in the world like the rest of the Sith. He would rather study his powers and learn to command them without any difficulty. It's easy to say he changed his order not long after and decided to go with what he should of chosen in the first place, the Order of the Krath.
Becoming a Governor[edit]
A few months into his new career as a Dark Jedi he had shown his utmost potential and many in the Dark Brotherhood seen that his power was in the art of persuasion. Rajax impressed one of his superiors enough that he was invited into the the Directorate's Governor Academy. This was an institute where they trained the Imperial's future rulers. He decided it would be helpful to his own plans in becoming the next Emperor if he got leadership experience.
He signed up for the Governor's Academy and within a few weeks he was at the top of his class. Inside of the academy he met dozens of people he would eventually rival in becoming a higher position inside of the Directorate, but he also met a few allies such as Miles Prower.
Miles Prower was elected into the office of Ghenna's Governor General, while Rajax was assigned to Osiris where be worked his way up from Regional Governor to Governor General. From the planet of Osiris. Not long after he was requested to transfer to Thor to become a governor general there and help the Phare system out. He did it without a second thought because he could serve under his friend from the DGA, Miles Prower.
He was promoted to the rank of Knight and gained the title Sir on the planet of Thor...
The new Ranks[edit]
Sam Rajax used every second of time to make himself stronger, smarter, and overall more powerful. He was placed into a Krath Phyle before the restructure. In the phyle he served under Klaus "Outsider" Steiner. He used his powers of persuasion, dedication, and hard work to forward himself in ranks.
Under Steiner, Rajax met his master, and his rival. During their first mission Sam was unstoppable, and showed his full potential the entire time. In the end, he was a large help in taking down the Ancient Dark Jedi who they were battling.
Cube Rancorous was proud to see an acolyte being a large help and decided to approach Rajax. He offered him the position of his apprentice, and Sam surely took it. He would take any chance he could get at making his time spent in the Dark Brotherhood shorter, and bring him closer to becoming the new Emperor.
Under Cube's tutelage he found his rival, Jaorrus who was another member of his phyle. To this day Rajax still thinks of Jaorrus as his main rival.
Time passed, Rajax and the other tyros went on a number of missions to bring artifacts to the phyle, and soon enough, Rajax was promoted to the rank of Jedi Hunter.
From that rank he was promoted to the leader of a different phyle, the Warders of Ask'ari. The warders of Ask'ari would always hold a place near and dear in his heart but during his reign he got promoted to Dark Jedi Knight, and then started to focus Directorate.
Inside of the Directorate, Rajax was using his powers on the planet of Thor to torture the citizens. He started to become more and more evil everyday and because the planet's citizen's feared the Governor General, they did everything he said and because of this he was able to create an underground city which his lieutenant governor Myn Donos thought of the name. He declared the name Taranis.
Because of his outstanding activity and his great idea of making an underground city, Miles Prower decided to recommend Sam for a promotion. Farrin Xies, the Grand Moff agreed and Sam gained the new rank of Baronet.
Not long after Sam was struck with a sickness that only effected Kiffar. What that sickness was is unknown, but it put him out of commission for a while.
Return to Power[edit]
Sam Rajax returned to the regions of the Emperor's Hammer after the restructure. While he was gone he traveled to Kiffu and learned about his true heritage. He met with Czulvang Lah and Exar Kit, they told him that he'd be serving under Dark Adept Exar Kit in the Hetaria Taranis, which shares the same name as the underground city of Thor however there is no relation.
He returned to Thor and received a message from Miles Prower, it told him of the things that have happened during his vacation. One of the events on the list was Farrin Xies stepping down, Rajax was depressed that one of the men he respected in the Hammer had stepped down, but thought of it as a new chance to gain higher power.
Mandatum - Mandatum is a personal lightsaber that was created as the final task for Sam to officially be known as a Dark Jedi Knight. The hilt is bronze and black, one of the standard hilts of the Dark Brotherhood. The core of the blade itself is violet, but has a silvery shine around it. The secondary gem used inside of it would be a Kaiburr gem. These are considered the normal Kaibur gems as there are many that litter the planet surface of Kaiburr, where the ancient Obelisk of the Obelisk order was once housed.
Twin Snakes - The twin snakes are a pair of daggers that were passed down to Sam as his only family heirloom that he inherited from his father. They hold a very tribal look, the hilts being bandaged and a leather scabbard over the actual blade. The blade itself is made out of cortosis-weave, however it is even more special due to the fact that it is laced with a liquid version of the synox poison.
Combat Types[edit]
Despite being a Krath, Sam is adept in his own style of combat as well as a basic lightsaber form. In battle, he has been known to triumph against enemies due to his unmatched skill in the styles that he does focus on.
Lightsaber Forms[edit]
Makashi - Sam is a long practitioner of the ancient lightsaber form Makashi. Makashi is known to have it's moves swung together like a dance, calling it the most elegant of saber forms. However, it is also as elegant as it is powerful. Nearing the mastery of this form, Sam is known to sometimes be seen, dancing alone while he should be combat training.
Martial Arts[edit]
Tribal Combat - Sam's Tribal Combat styling is none other that the combat teachings that his clan practiced. The style focuses mostly around swords and daggers, but utilizes a little hand-to-hand combat. It focuses mostly on attacks to important body parts such as tendons and arteries. For example, one of the most effective moves would be to slide on your knee towards the opponent and slice his Achilles's tendons.
- Sam is the self proclaimed patriarch of his Kiffar clan, as his father was a high ranking member of the tribal council and he is the only offspring of the old council.