Star Conflict

From Emperor's Hammer Encyclopaedia Imperia


Star conflict is a supported Flight Sim for both the TIE Corps and the Dark Brotherhood as of March 2013.

The following was taken from the Star Conflict Steam Page.

"Star Conflict is an action-packed, massively multiplayer space simulation game that puts players in the role of elite pilots engaging in a widespread interplanetary skirmish.

Three thousand years have passed since the first colonists left Earth. Now the galaxy is divided between the militant star empires and independent mercenary groups. In a remote corner of the galaxy — Sector 1337, the area of the dead — a world has been left behind. Here, the ruins of a great civilization of Precursors have recently been discovered. Huge factories and sprawling cities are falling into decay. Fragments of ships lie on the fields where massive battles were once fought. But there is not a living soul. Everything has been destroyed by a mysterious Cataclysm — a pulsing anomaly that burned out all life within this sector.

This doesn’t stop mankind, the new «owner» of the Universe. Mercenaries and adventurers have flocked to the sector to sift through the ruins and loot its abandoned artifacts, without consideration of the danger. Many have disappeared — including members of well-armed expeditions — but those who have managed to return have uncovered unprecedented riches. So looters continue to come here, to find the Precursors’ lost treasures — and to fight for them."

The game can be downloaded for free through the Steam Gamming Community or Directly from the developer


Fighters are a balance of speed, firepower and durability. Fighters are generalists, able to hold their own in combat, while having the speed to accomplish objectives. All fighters are armed with four guns.

Fighters are divided into the Command, Gunship and Tackler roles.


Interceptors are light and fast ships. They are mainly designed for hit-and-run attacks, skirmishing and completing objectives, and do not have the durability to survive in the middle of a large fight.

All interceptors have 2 guns with an increased critical chance, and have a bonus to beacon capture rate.

Interceptors are further subdivided into the ECM, Covert Ops and Recon roles.


Frigates are the largest ships that can be piloted by players. They are considerably slower and less maneuverable than fighters, but much tougher. Frigates are at their best when supporting other ships, such as by repairing friendly ships, denying areas to the enemy and providing fire support from long range.

Frigates are divided into three subclasses:

  • Engineering
  • Guard
  • Long Range

Engineers and Guards have four guns each, while Long Range are the only ships armed with six.


Active Modules
Active Modules are trigger Abilities/Skills that can be bought or sold and fitted into slots that are numbered One(1) through Four(4). Once modules are placed they can be used by pressing a number on the keyboard corresponding to the numbered location of the module.
The amount of Active Modules per ship depends on the Tech level of said ship. Current ships have no less than two and no more than four Active Module slots. Some modules may be used by all classes of ship while others are specific to certain roles.
Note that Module effects typically do not stack. So if two Command ships are within range of providing an Aegis buff to your ship, only the stronger Aegis effect will be applied.
Hierarchy of Module Efficiency
Mki.png Mk I The first level of item, bought from the warehouse with credits.
Mkii.png Mk II Created by upgrading a Mk I item, either by paying credits or applying an upgrade kit found as loot.
Mkiii.png Mk III Created by upgrading a Mk II item either with Galactic Standards or Loyalty Vouchers from the correct faction for that item.
Mkiv.png Experimental The most powerful kind of item. Created by upgrading a Mk III item with an experimental upgrade kit, or by paying Artifacts.
Ship Modifiers

Designed to improve the characteristics of the ship. Installed in the slots of the appropriate type. The number of slots of each type of modifier on a ship depends on its rank and faction.

Modifiers are divided into 5 types:

  • Engine
  • Capacitor
  • Shield
  • Hull
  • Computer


Guns are the main weapon used by ships. There are 15 different types of guns in the game, 4 for each ship class - frigate, fighter and interceptor - and 3 that can only be used by specific roles.

All guns have infinite ammunition, but most guns firing is limited by heat build up. Firing for too long with weapons that can overheat will cause your weapons to lock up until they have cooled down again!

Missiles are the Secondary weapons available on all type of ships. There are two types of missiles, Homing and Unguided. Homing missiles require the player to lock onto the target in order to fire (They can also be fired without locking-on and then follow the same rules as Unguided) and can be avoided by using flares or dodging/weaving in and out of objects They are useful for longer ranges when Guns can't reach. Unguided require no lock-on and aren't affected by flares although they can be easily dodged by moving to the side but are useful for close-quarters.

Missiles are loaded in Cartridges. When you expend all of the missiles in your cartridge, it will begin reloading, which is a lengthy process.

Missiles are separated by ship class, with interceptors only able to mount small missiles, fighters medium and frigates large. In addition, there are special missile types that can only be used by certain roles.


There are five tiers of ships in Star Conflict and fifteen ranks. When looking at a ship's tile, you can see its tier in the top-left corner as well as the icon representing its role.





In this Mode you will find 3 neutral Beacons on the map. Each Team starts with 100 Points.

Taking more than 1 Beacon will decrease the Points of the Enemy Team over time. Taking all 3 Beacons will make the Enemy suffer and losing lots of Points in a very short time.

Destroying Enemy Ships will also reduce the Points of the Enemy Team, so even with a Beacon lost you can still achieve Victory.

Destruction of an ally will also reduce the Points of your Team! So watch out when using Weapons of Mass Destruction.

Combat Recon


Beacon Hunt


Submitting Screenshots for 24/7 Legion of Combat

To qualify for a Legion of Combat you must:

  1. Win the match
  2. Have at least one kill in the match
  3. Submit the screenshot in the online submission tool following these guidelines:
    • For 24/7 LoC submissions, there's a limit of 3 EH pilots on the same team.
    • The number of kills must be always '1' for all winning team members and '0' for those on the losing team.
    • Each EH pilot on the winning side must have at least one kill. If a winning EH pilot does not have a kill according to the screenshot, enter them as having '0' kills on the form. This supersedes the rule about entering a '1' for all winning team members.
    • Don't submit a screenshot for a 24/7 LoC that you will be using as a competition submission. You'll receive the LoC for that screenshot as part of the resolution of the competition. You should email the screenshot as per the instructions of the competition you are submitting to.
    • When flying with a group, it's a good idea for everyone to take the screenshot but have one person say that they'll submit the screenshot to the database. In case that person ends up not being able to submit the screenshot, another pilot should still have their own copy to submit.

Submitting Screenshots for a Cluster of Fire

For active Dark Brotherhood Members Email a qualifying screenshot to both the Current Master-At-Arms and the Consul of House Drakonan. All Cluster of Fire medals are awarded once a week typically on Saturdays. So any submissions from Sunday through Friday will be tallied and awarded on Saturday.

Qualifying Screenshots for the Dark Brotherhood

Screenshots must meet things guidelines to Qualify for a Cluster of Fire

  1. Must be a Victorious Match
  2. Domination - you will need to be in the top three spots for EFF (points)
  3. Combat Recon - you will need to be the one to kill the captain or survive as the captain
  4. Beacon Hunt - you will need to have captured 3 beacons
  5. Detonation - you must have planted at least one bomb

In order to get your future CoF's for Star Conflict or other MP activities that are rewarded with a CoF you'll have to send your screenshot(s) no later then 7 days after you played the match to the Master at Arms and the Consul of House Drakonan. Any screenshot sent later then 7 days after the match was played will be counted for activity only, but not rewarded with a CoF.

This is to prevent accumulation of screenshots to gain an advantage in competitions or similar situations.

PC requirements

Minimum: OS: Windows XP SP3

Processor: 2.0 Ghz Intel Pentium-4 / AMD Athlon II

Memory: 1 GB RAM

Hard Disk Space: 2 GB

Video Card: 512 MB NVidia / AMD Radeon / Intel (HD 3000, HD 4000) with support for Pixel Shader 3.0 (AMD Radeon X1000 not supported)

Additional: Broadband Internet connection

Recommended: OS: Windows 7 x64

Processor: 2.3 Ghz Intel Core 2 Duo / AMD Athlon64 X2 or better

Memory: 2 GB RAM

Hard Disk Space: 2 GB

Video Card: 1 GB NVidia GeForce 650 / AMD Radeon HD 5750 / Intel HD 4000 and newer

Additional: Broadband Internet connection