Legion of Combat

From Emperor's Hammer Encyclopaedia Imperia


The Legion of Combat is a service medal in the TIE Corps. As with the Distinguished Flying Cross, it is strictly awarded for multiplayer activity, specifically for victories in matches.


The Training Manual states that, "The Legion of Combat is awarded for participation and victory in official competition melees in X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter (XvT), X-Wing Alliance (XWA) and Imperial Alliance (IA) by the Combat Operations Officer, his assistants or the TIE Corps Admiralty."

Reference: EH Training manual

Award Authority[edit]

Each match is reviewed by the COO, who then awards the LoC to the victorious party.


  • Basic - 1 victory
  • Copper Scimitar (CS) - 5 victories
  • Iridium Scimitar (IS) - 50 victories
  • Thallium Scimitar (TS) - 100 victories
  • Rubidium Scimitar (RS) - 200 victories
  • Platinum Scimitar (PS) - 500 victories

Equivalent Awards[edit]

In the Dark Brotherhood, members are awarded the Cluster of Fire as an equivalent.

In the Hammer's Fist, members were awarded the Star of Valor as an equivalent.


Ribbon loc.png
Copper Scimitar
Ribbon loc cs.png
Iridium Scimitar
Ribbon loc is.png
Thallium Scimitar
Ribbon loc ts.png
Rubidium Scimitar
Ribbon loc rs.png
Platinum Scimitar
Ribbon loc ps.png

Additional Notes[edit]

While the Training Manual only lists the 3 main platform as candidates for earning this medal, it has since expanded and now includes Star Conflict as well.