Thunder Squadron

From Emperor's Hammer Encyclopaedia Imperia

Thunder Squadron is an Assassination squadron attached to Wing X of the ISD Challenge.

On 10 July 2020, Thunder Squadron was reactivated to become the second active squadron in Wing X.

Squadron History

Competition history

Squadron Patches and Banners

Thunder banner.png



Thunder Flight I

Nickname - Mjölnir's Wrath

Motto - Destruction from the Storm Above

  1. CMDR/CPT LegionX
  2. FM/LCM Sylas Pitt
  3. TBA
  4. TBA

Thunder Flight II

Nickname - The Rumbling

Motto - Distant Thunder, Coming Storm

  1. FL/LCM Ryuzokin
  2. FM/SL coquiman98
  3. TBA
  4. TBA

Thunder Flight III

Nickname - Sonic Strikers

Motto - Death Isn't Silent

  1. FL/CM Dynamus
  2. FM/SL Tyris Sal
  3. TBA
  4. TBA

Squadron Commanders

# CMDR Took office Left office Time in office Location Starting Rank Ending Rank
1 Phoenix Berkana 10 July 2020 08 November 2020 4 months ISD Challenge General Rear Admiral
2 Tygra Shadowclaw 17 November 2020 03 December 2021 13 months ISD Challenge Major Lieutenant Colonel
3 LegionX 03 December 2021 N/A N/A ISD Challenge Commander N/A