Shadow-class Y-Wing

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The Shadow Class Y-Wing is a modification of the original Koensayr BTL-S3 Y-Wing Starfighter chosen for its ruggedness and versatility. The S3 variant was chosen over the more numerous A4 because of its expanded crew compartment and more powerful engines that would be vital for the role of a long-range reconnaissance and strike fighter. This is similar to the use of stripped down S3s to create the “Longprobe” variant Y-Wing in the Rebel Alliance/New Republic.

When constructing the prototype, Infiltrator Wing engineers stripped down the larger two-seat Y-Wing and removed any unnecessary equipment, including the mechanisms to rotate the dorsal Ion Cannon turret. With this saved space, ordnance capacity was expanded to roughly double the normal amount and additional laser cannons were mounted in the nose.

In addition to the increase in firepower, the Shadow Class Y-Wing has reinforced sensor-deflecting armour and is coated in paint that absorbs part of the visible spectrum, which reduces its visibility and sensor profile.

Finally, the both Sublight and Hyperdrive Engines have been upgraded to allow the Shadow Class Y-Wing to go further and faster than its predecessors. Though not as agile as some of its Infiltrator Wing contemporaries such as the X-Wing, its unique blend of speed and ruggedness make it a perfect choice for long-range strike missions against hardened targets with or without escorting starfighters.

In all, the Shadow Class Y-Wing is the perfect strike craft for missions behind enemy lines, regardless who the enemy is. With a skilled pilot at the controls, a Shadow can sneak through enemy patrols, destroy its target, and escape without ever being detected. If it is detected, however, a Shadow is more than capable of fighting its way out of any situation.