
From Emperor's Hammer Encyclopaedia Imperia
Revision as of 09:52, 30 June 2023 by NovaDiscordia (talk | contribs)



Epsi-Cola is galaxy wide refreshing beverage originally invented by the pilots of Epsilon Squadron and legenary barperson Valin Tusk at the squadron bar aboard the ISD Hammer sometime around 18 BBY.

Early History

Epsi-Cola Placeholder Image.jpg

Records for the beginnings of Epsi-Cola are very limited, or in some cases appear to actually have been redacted, presumably by either EH High Command and/or a previous Epsilon Squadron Commander. In fact it was only by chance that Commander Nova Discordia found references to the creation of this beverage when reviewing some old squadron files.

Upon talking to a previous Epsilon Squadron Commander, Coranel Both Nova was able to peice together what little is remembered or known with any degree of certainty.

According to the testimony

The ISD Hammer's Drink of Choice

A Galaxy Wide Beverage!

Zala Delste Becomes CEO of Epsi-Cola