TFTC Quick Installation

From Emperor's Hammer Encyclopaedia Imperia
Revision as of 18:55, 18 September 2023 by Wildfire (talk | contribs) (Tweaked instructions for TFTC 1.3 and 1.3.3 patch)
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This is a quick guide on how to install X-Wing Alliance TIE Fighter Total Conversion on your computer. The aim is to keep it fast and simple. Be sure to follow all the steps in sequence.


  • 50GB Free Space
  • Run all installations as the Admin
  • Perform the steps below in sequence


At any given time, the latest TFTC release is the version supported for use in the Emperor's Hammer.

On 27 August 2022, v1.3 became the latest release.


Need to install X-Wing Alliance (XWA), X-Wing Alliance Upgrade (XWAU) and TIE Fighter Total Conversion Re-Imagined (TFTC-R).

Stage 1: Install XWA and XWAU[edit]

  1. Install XWA Vanilla GOG version (You can purchase your own copy here:
    • Once installed, run XWA with a token pilot
  2. Visit
  3. Download and install the XWAU 2020 Mega Patch (2 GB) from and ignore the XWAU 2020 updates as the necessary updates are already included in the TFTC patch downloaded next.
    • Select the correct Aspect Ratio (Default / 16:9 / 16:10 based on YOUR display settings). The most common ratio in today's computers is 16:9. If you are unsure what your aspect ratio is, you can check it in your computer's display settings by right-clicking with your mouse on the desktop.
    • Once installed, run XWAU with a token pilot

Stage 2: Install TFTC-R[edit]

  1. Visit
  2. Download and install the full 1.3 release from (9.85 GB)
    • Select Updated Tutorial Missions at the bottom of the installation
  3. Download and install the latest patch, at the time of writing that is version 1.3.3 from (1.75 GB)
  4. Very Important: Once the installation is complete, launch the alliance.exe and choose the Palpatine Total Converter
    • Select Customize your X-Wing Alliance: Load a Total Conversion
    • Select Convert your X-Wing Alliance: Switch to the Dark Side (TFTC Reimagined)
    • Very Important: Select Total Conversion Reimagined

Post-Installation Configuration[edit]

  1. Launch the game and press ESC (Escape Key).
  2. Under Video Options, goto Hardware Only Video Options and set the Lens Flare to OFF

In-Flight Control Changes[edit]

  1. Slam Key = toggle K (the accelerator for the Missile Boat)
  2. To open your S-Foils = close landing gear: Control + L and then press V

Additional Help[edit]

  1. TFTC website
  2. Full instructions on TFTC Website
  3. 20 minute video for the TFTC Installation:
  4. Joystick Preset Config Options:
  5. You can also check the XWA Upgrade extended installation guide
  6. XWAU Forums offer a significant resource for any troubleshooting [[1]]


  1. One error that has been seen is the use of special effects, this can cause jittery behaviour or even the game to crash when you enter a mission. This appears to related to onboard GPUs and can be fixed by using the Babu Frik tool that ships with XWAU to disable the effects (when you hover over the text it will inform you that it will install the JeremyaFr's ddraw.dll).

(If in trouble, contact Genie)