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The Modular Taskforce Cruiser Consul is the current flagship of the Emperor's Hammer Training Officer, and is home to the Training Office when the Fleet is forward-deployed.


The Modular Taskforce Cruiser marked a significant change in Imperial ship design doctrine, placing flexibility and modularity at the forefront. While the Imperial Navy traditionally maintained a fleet of ship types, with each designed to fill a specific niche, this became harder to maintain as supply lines became strained during the Galactic Civil War. The result of this problem was the Modular Taskforce Cruiser, manufactured by Tagge Industries Shipyards Ltd., the Imperial Navy’s first true multi-role medium transport. Utilizing a new system of mission-function modules spread throughout Imperial territory, the ship had incredible versatility, being able to transition between operational roles and switch modules within a single day if needed.

Appearing in Fleet records as early as 10 ABY (2002), the Consul originally served as a support vessel attached to the SSSD Sovereign, providing the flagship with essential intelligence-gathering capabilities. Equipped with an observation module, the ship was engaged in intelligence gathering operations, dispatching its probe droids to scout systems and eavesdrop on enemy communications. During this time, the Consul was home to a squadron of TIE Fighters for defensive operations, though the identity of the squadron has been lost to history.

In 30 ABY, GA Rapier saw a need for the Training Office to have a primary flagship while the Fleet was forward-deployed, allowing for increased flexibility in training operations compared with being stationed on the SSD Avenger. To this end, the Consul was brought into drydock to undergo a major refurbishment. This included an upgrading of communications arrays, point-defense weapons systems, and other outdated components, as well as the construction of a custom-made mission-function module for the Training Office. Designed to accommodate the needs of the Office while mobile, the module contains staff offices, auditoriums, demonstration labs, and other training support facilities not previously available on the Avenger. However, overruns and delays in the construction process pushed the completion of the module to 31 ABY, holding up the deployment of the Consul. In late July (24 July 2023), the Consul left drydock and was officially designated the flagship of the Training Officer and assigned to First Recon Division Command, First Recon Division. Following the redeployment of the Consul, rumors began to circulate of a new drink being distilled on the vessel known as Consulquilla, but no distillation or such a drink have ever been publicly acknowledged by any member of the Training Staff.

Fleet Assignments[edit]

10 ABY - 19 ABY SSSD Sovereign Fleet
19 ABY - 28 ABY SSSD Sovereign Task Force, Flagship Group
28 ABY - 31 ABY SSSD Sovereign Task Force, Home Guard
31 ABY - Present First Recon Division Command, First Recon Division