Dathka “Dakka Dakka” Graush

From Emperor's Hammer Encyclopaedia Imperia


Born on Ryloth in 15BBY, LT Dathka “Dakka Dakka” Graush survived the streets of Lessu from a young age. Learning the art of the vibro-karambit from a zabrak street fighter, Dathka quickly rose to prominence in the underground fighting circuits.

At the age of 18 standard galactic years, Dathka joined the imperial navy as a TIE pilot. Being a hand-to-hand combat specialist he was able to improve the ground based effectiveness of his squadron, and eventually transferred to an infiltration focused wing where he found success in a variety of missions, most of which are redacted.

After the destruction of the second Death Star, Dathka took the opportunity amid the chaos of the crumbling empire to leave his post, taking a modified TIE Defender in the process. During his stint away from the imperial navy, Dathka took work in several planetary defence forces for planets seeking stability after the withdrawal of the weakened imperial military.