Raven Squadron

From Emperor's Hammer Encyclopaedia Imperia

Raven Squadron was a Reconnaissance squadron assigned to Wing XXII on the Mon Calamari Star Cruiser 90 Renegade. On July 10, 2022, Raven Squadron became the sixth squadron re-activated in Wing X, having formerly been stationed aboard the MC90 Warspite and MC90 Neo. It was reassigned to the Renegade on April 17, 2023 as part of the Battlegroup Expansion that saw the traditional Infiltrator Wing squadrons moved off of the Challenge and back onboard the MC90 Renegade. However, on July 19, 2023, it was closed, with its remaining pilots merged into Firebird Squadron.


Galactic Empire[edit]

Though records of this squadron were lost during the aftermath of the Galactic Civil War, there is evidence of a Raven Squadron existing in and around 3ABY; the squadron was equipped with Assault Gunboats and saw action at Destreg III when they intervened in a skirmish between ships of the Azzameen and Viraxo families. The Viraxo craft were destroyed in the skirmish, and the Azzameen craft escaped.

Emperor's Hammer[edit]

Raven Squadron was originally commissioned as a Reconnaissance and Strike Squadron aboard the Warspite, flying A-Wings. At some point prior to the dissolution of the Infiltrator Wing as a standalone unit of the Emperor's Hammer, Raven Squadron was reassigned to the Neo and reequipped with V-Wing Mk2 starfighters. Though at some point following this they were decommissioned, in July 2022 they reactivated with the new objective of Heavy Support. They served this role well, however in June 2023 following (Re)Mob it was decided that they return to their original objective and focus solely on Reconnaissance. Shortly after this, the squadron closed again in July 2023, with most of its pilots remaining on the Renegade and joining Firebird Squadron.

Mottos and Nicknames[edit]

Raven Flight I

Nickname - Choosers of The Slain

Motto - Victory is temporary, but the will to fight is eternal

Raven Flight II

Nickname - Omens of Death

Motto - Lots have been cast and your future isn’t looking too hot

Raven Flight III

Nickname - Harbingers of Woe

Motto - I'd sell you to Sidious for ONE corn chip

Command History[edit]

Squadron Commanding Officers
CMDR Took Office Left Office Service Duration Assignment Start Rank End Rank
Stryker 10 Jul 2022 18 Dec 2022 5m, 8d ISD Challenge General General
Atashi Rain 19 Dec 2022 19 Jul 2023 7m MC90 Renegade Commander Captain