Destavol Gin

From Emperor's Hammer Encyclopaedia Imperia
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Joining the Emperor's Hammer Strike Fleet

On 7ABY(2000) Destavol left his home world Aurora Prime, and enrolled at the Imperial Weapons And Tactics School, and received his training to become a TIECorps Pilot. After spending a year at IWATS Destavol graduated at the top of his class and was placed immediately into Flayer Squadron on 8ABY(2000). After a year with Flayer Squadron, Destavol was invited by Commander Ninj to join Slayer Squadron as its Executive Officer and Flight Leader of Slayer Flight Two. On 9ABY(2001) Destavol took the job as the Executive Officer of Slayer Squadron and served there for two years before requesting a transfer out of the TIE Corps into the fleet's Infiltrator Wing.

The Infiltrator Wing

On 11ABY(2001)Destavol joined the Infiltrator Wing, but was demoted back down to the rank of Sub-Lieutenant. The young man was placed in Panther Squadron aboard the MC-90 Warspite where he was taught how to pilot an assortment of enemy craft. After a year in Panther, Destavol had earned the rank of Lieutenant but largely he did not see himself progressing very far. Talon Jade a close friend and mentor found Destavol in the Infiltrator Wing and invited him to join his squadron, which was at that point in time under the command of Colonel Darksaber. After six months there, Colonel Darksaber retired from the Infiltrator Wing and transferred back to the TIE Corps where he was promoted to Rear Admiral and appointed as a Battle Group Commander. Talon took over as the Commander of Eagle Squadron, and appointed Destavol as his Executive Officer and as Flight Leader of Eagle Flight Two. Destavol finished off the remainder of the year, and served an additional two years with Talon before he took his mentors place as Squadron Commander in 15ABY(2002), after Talon was promoted to the seat of Wing Commander of Wing III. Destavol served another three years and progressed quite well through the ranks.

Destavol continued to follow in Talon's footsteps when in 18ABY(2004) he took the rank of Brigadier General and took command of the MC-90 Warspite. His command was short lived when Destavol was forced to resign due to a critical illness that nearly killed him. Destavol recovered from this sickness which took him an entire year, but when he returned to both the Infiltrator Wing and TIE Corps in 19ABY(2005) he was denied his wings, due to his health condition he could no longer be trusted to fly for the Empire. Furious at the fleet, Destavol looked at his option and made the next step in his career.

Serving with the Fist

Though he was denied to fly, he was still a capable soldier. Due to his high experience with the fleet and the TIE Corps, Destavol was quickly accepted into the Hammer's Fist Stormtrooper Corps where he served approximately five years before he retired at the rank of Major. Destavol took a year away from the fleet, pondering his formal resignation from the fleet but found that he was still needed greatly in service to the Dark Jedi Brotherhood, a sect of Dark Jedi he had been secretly serving with since 10ABY(2001).