Talk:Raven Squadron

From Emperor's Hammer Encyclopaedia Imperia

To-do, flesh out backstory and research era when Raven was under the CRS Despot (source

   September 1995 the IW was restructured again with a real subgroup Command Staff:
   Command Officer: Admiral Renegade (resurrected from the death) - B-Wing
   Wing Commander: LG Crandall - X-Wing
   Training Officer (IWTO): BG Yoni
   Training Assistant (IWTA): GN Dude
   Motto: "Victory above all else"
       CRS Despot
           Eagle Squadron (X-Wing) Strike and Escort
           Condor Squadron (Y-Wing) Assault
           Raven Squadron (A-Wing) Recon and Strike
           Vulture (B-Wing) Fast Assualt and Escort

TheBlackxRanger (talk) 09:04, 24 August 2022 (PDT)