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Revision as of 00:40, 10 February 2025

Current Position: LCM GamerRat is a flight member (FM) in Lambda Squadron, holding the 2-3 position.


Height: 6' 6" or 198 cm Weight: 200 lbs or 90 kg Eye Color: Dark Brown Hair Color: Brown-gold Skin Color: White Facial Hair: None


GamerRat had and has multiple hobbies- taking care of his group of pet rodents, usually mice, reading books, working in a laboratory, listening to classical music. His current collection of rodents is at 5. His literary collection is as large as his alcohol stash. He (allegedly) acquired a set of ancient Jedi texts from the Temple on Coruscant, when it was raided by the Empire for the final time, and he participated. The Emperor didn't know, nor did he have to. GamerRat then was low ranking but knew of the Force, and used it rarely. He was still just a scientist. His laboratory works didn't stop after the *Schwann*, and he continued working, developing either bioweapons, medicines, or anything else the empire or Emperor's Hammer may need. An outbreak of Hepatitis H, a new strain unknown in the past. His musical repertoire was good, though not a musician, GamerRat still listened to the music. The Rebels spread propaganda calling him a psychopath when he had tears in an opera but not when ordering the execution of assassins. Simply ridiculous!

Scientific Military Career

After graduating from the Coruscant Naval Academy with a degree in biology, spec. exobiology, GamerRat was transferred to the Army Scientific Office. There, GamerRat engaged in several projects, such as Plan Zell, Hemlock's project to make Palpatine clones, and making force-sensitivity tests for the Emperor's Hands.

Plan Zell was the most prominent of GamerRat's projects. He was promoted to Captain and transferred to the Arquitens-Class Cruiser Schwann. On the Schwann, GamerRat, as Chief Scientific Officer, was responsible for developing a biochemical weapon for the Empire. The weapon was a liquid, that, when turned to gas and inhaled, caused cells in the brain, heart, blood vessels, kidneys, and liver to break down through autolysis. The Emperor, however, did not use the weapon, however, the weapon was useful, and GamerRat was promoted to Lieutenant Colonel. He was transferred to Chandrilla in the core to maintain supremacy in space over the local Rebel Alliance cells. For his duties on the Schwann he was later awarded the Grand Order of the Emperor by Palpatine.

On Chandrilla L. Col. GamerRat, according to the New Republic was a brutal dictator and oppressive ruler, being given the nickname "The Hangman" by the locals. This was anything but true. Under Gov. GamerRat, Chandrila prospered and had gone through a state of rapid industrialization. The standard of living increased by 15 points, income for the average family increased by around 5000 credits, and crime went down by over 60%. The crime crackdown came after Rebel terrorists and radical extremists assassinated the cabinet and director of the Imperial Main Security Office on Chandrila. Punishment for crime was increased. Previously, murder meant jail time. Now, murder was met with murder. Imperial officials and loyalists defended these actions. When the assassins were captured, and interrogated, GamerRat asked coldly where they were from on Chandrila. They answered a village in the forests. GamerRat had them publicly executed by hanging in the center of Hanna City, capital of Chandrila. The village and it's occupants, everyone over the age of 18, was attacked by a battalion of Stormtroopers supported from the air by TIE Bombers. When the village was raided, weapons and illicit supplies were found in every house. That was the justification. It was said that Sate Pestage, the right hand man other than Vader, was scared of GamerRat. The terrifying, 6' 6" figure, with sharp facial features, a strong jaw, and incredibly dark eyes stood slightly below Vader. He was said to be physically strong, as he was in the powerlifting team of the Naval Academy on Coruscant. And none knew of his abilities with the Force, other than his wife. Following this, a bomb was set off in a meeting in their house on June 20th. Everyone but GamerRat's wife survived. She died from injuries caused by shrapnel. GamerRat had her buried with full military honors. She too was an officer of the Naval Academy- 2 years younger than GamerRat. A monument was erected on her grave in the mountains. That same day, the Empire lost the battle of Endor.

After Endor

The weeks following Endor were tough. He was on Chandrilla, the homeworld of Mon Mothma, and was caught at unawares on the surface when it was heard on the Holonet that the Emperor and Lord Vader were dead. Local Rebels captured GamerRat, and he was taken to court. Without any lawyer or defense he was soon known to be a convicted war criminal for "developing bioweapons", "developing chemical weapons", "execution of civilians", and "execution of POW's" GamerRat denied the allegations but was found guilty nonetheless. The Rebels also destroyed the monument to his wife, and the sarcophagus was moved dumped into a volcano. Jailed on Chandrilla, he was moved to Coruscant. Little did the New Republic know of his Force Sensitivity. He managed to hide it even from Emperor Palpatine. He broke down the cell doors, and found out after interrogating a young guard that his research papers were sent to the New Republic University of Science on Chandrilla. Back to Chandrilla... He stole a shuttle, a disguise as a Republic admiral, got to Chandrilla, and gained access to the Archinves of the University of Science. He stole the papers, searched the database for any experiments using these papers, found none, and left. He returned to Coruscant, and found it embroiled in war. Ysanne Isard was fighting the New Republic. He found where Isard's SSD was hidden on Coruscant, got in, introduced himself, gave the research papers to her, and left. He asked her to remove him from any database she could find.

Just Before the EH

Before finding the Emperor's Hammer, he looked to flying TIE's, but they were not used. He hated the First Order that was rising in the distance, as they were nothing but usurpers of the Empire. So he found a group of ex-Imperial officers and engineers headed by a man named Angel. Angel was developing a new flight simulator for use by an unknown entity. He became a resident on the planet where Angel was based, and used the simulator, called TFTC, or TIE Fighter Total Conversion, that was a modification to the Republic's X Wing Alliance simulator. There, he met somebody in a military uniform. He was introduced to Jagged Fell III of a group called the Emperor's Hammer. GamerRat was interested, eager to rejoin the Empire....


GamerRat, once known as Alexander Doenut, initially enlisted in Delta Squadron on March 10, 2024 (33 ABY). 1 day after joining IWATS, he completed training and was assigned to the 1-2 position in Delta. To receive his promotion to LT, he completed 4 IU courses and earned his first Certificate, the Certificate of Spacial Geography (Alpha). Just a few days later, he earned his first medal, an IAR for 6 completed IU courses. Over the course of many months, the majority of his activity involved IU courses, increasing his knowledge of the universe and the Emperor's Hammer. By the end of March, he had completed 14 courses.

Between then and Squadron (Re)Mobilization 6, he kept doing IU courses, and his efforts in ReMob 6 payed off, when Delta's 3rd flight, once the T/Ph, was switched to a T/D.

On August 21, he made a short trip to the Reserves, to keep up with real life coursework, however, the boredom of the Reserves had him back in Delta just 10 days later.

On November 21st, he finally received his long-due promotion to Lieutenant Commander. 1 week later he was assigned as the Flight Leader of Delta Flight 3. He held that position for a month and 10 days, running Competitions and giving medals and promotions to both Hera Storm and Lorn Isard.

In the New Year, 34 ABY, he noticed that the elite Lambda Squadron had 2 open positions. His dream, which had been around since September, had come true. Contacting Plif, he requested to transfer to Lambda. And it seemed that he wasn't the only Delta pilot to do so. CM Vrak of Delta 2-3 also moved to Lambda.

On January 16th, after a "questionable" day in the Lambda discord channel, he asked for a Call Sign. COL TheBlackxRanger was quick on the job, bringing back an old message of GamerRat's about not wanting to install patches for XWA. And thus LCM "Patches" GamerRat was born.

Signature Drink

After a sad day on the Hammer when GamerRat lost his pet rat when a droid ran it over, GamerRat became a slightly heavy drinker. Once, he got SO wasted that he passed out, and had a dream over a lecture, genocide, and woke up with an angry Jawa poking him. GamerRat likes to drink some weird rodent drink- milk with a 1/2 shot of pure ethanol, a sweet cherry, ice, and a shot of cherry syrup. He once had 10. He was understandably WASTED beyond anything normal.

Other drinks that GamerRat enjoys are a Chalquilla and Epsi-Cola mix. Since GamerRat is possibly a form of vermin, there is a rumor on the ISD Hammer that somewhere in the ventilation system, hidden behind durasteel panels, there is a stash of Imperial Jagermeister, that GamerRat allegedly had smuggled off of Coruscant. Nobody knows if the rumor is true, however, GamerRat has not denied the rumor.

GamerRat has a tendency of sneaking stuff off. He once stole a access code off of the Cantina droid and got wasted in the storage of alcohol. He is now temporarily banned from the Hammer cantina (for a year) and is not allowed to be within 20 feet of the entrance to it. :0


Palpatine Crescent x3

Imperial Security Medal

Imperial Achievement Ribbon x 4

Medal of Instruction

Medal of Communication

  -Silver Oak Cluster
  -Bronze Oak Cluster x2

Iron Star

  -Silver Wings
  -Bronze Wings x2
  -Copper Wings x2
  -Bronze Ribbon

Operational Readiness Award x7 (First Circle)

Legion of Combat x18 (Copper Scimitar)

Commendation of Bravery

Flight Wings and Combat Ranks

Flight Wings: 6th Echelon

FCHG Rank: Dragoon

MP PvP Rank: Marksman 4th