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From Emperor's Hammer Encyclopaedia Imperia
(Created page with "{{EH_Character| image=Image:Talik.png| homeworld=Nar Shaddaa| name=Talik Aurin| rank=Lieutenant| position=Flight Member| species=Twi'lek| gender=Female| skin=Red|...")
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Talik Aurin is currently serving as a flight member in [[Tempest Squadron]] staioned on the [[ISDII Challenge]], part of [[Battlegroup III]] within the [[TIE Corps]].
Talik Aurin is currently serving as a flight member in [[Tempest Squadron]] staioned on the [[ISDII Challenge]], part of [[Battlegroup III]] within the [[TIE Corps]].

Revision as of 02:09, 19 December 2024

Talik Aurin is currently serving as a flight member in Tempest Squadron staioned on the ISDII Challenge, part of Battlegroup III within the TIE Corps.


Talik Aurin grew up on the planet of Coruscant, without her mother who was tragically killed on her homeworld of Nar Shaddaa. She is a lone child as her parents were unable to produce more offspring in their early adulthood. When Talik and her father travelled to their new home on Coruscant, she grew up in a modest area in the mid levels. However, she knew of a handful of people in higher status than she which lead to an oppertunity that landed herself in the Carida Academy in the Naval training program. Though due to her stubborn attitude, she was unable to graduate at the time and was instead transferred to the Imperial Flight Academy on Prefsbelt IV. With the instructor's harsh discipline, she was then able to become straightened up which led to her graduation at the Academy as the latest up and coming TIE Pilot. Soon after her graduation, she was given orders for Tempest Squadron that was attached to the ISD-II Challenge.

TC Military Records


12/03/2024 TCCT.png Cadet 4 days
12/08/2024 TCSL.png Sub-Lieutenant 5 days
12/13/2024 TCLT.png Lieutenant current

Positions Held

12/03/2024 Tc-pos-trn.png Trainee 4 days
12/08/2024 Tc-pos-fm.png Flight Member of Tempest Squadron current

Imperial University Courses

Total number of Imperial University Courses completed: 1

  • TIE Corps Core (100%)