Infiltrator Wing Guard

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"We pledge our lives, our honor, and our families to the glory of the Empire. We are aware that at any time our lives may be taken, but we fear not, for we know that our sacrifice will not have been in vain.
Our duty is to uphold the edicts of the Galactic Empire, to neutralize by whatever means necessary those who oppose that order, and to maintain our sacred honor..."

--The Oath of the Guardsman


The IW Guard is tasked not only with protection of the entire Infiltrator Wing, but also works on Deep Infiltration special operations when the IW is in no position to achieve a required goal or the mission is designed as an extremely
difficult and dangerous one, as well as any other service it may be required to accomplish.

The IW Guard operates on X-wing vs TIE Fighter and X-Wing Alliance flight platforms for the Guardsman. It is no easy task to become a Guardsman, but the rewards and respect a Guardsman enjoys are great indeed.
The Guardsmen receive special IW Guard only medals and other privileges such as IW Guard only competitions against other STAR WARS clubs, which are regularly organized by the Captain of the Guard. Since the IW Guard is the cream of the IW, it is the unit that commonly represents the IW in online engagements against non-IW groups and organizations.


The original Infiltrator Wing Elite Guard was founded under the command of the War Marshal von Reinthaler years ago. It was an elitstic organization of exceptional pilots flying experimental new platforms, mainly X-wing vs TIE Fighter.
With the end of the von Reinthaler era, the Infiltrator Wing suffered substantial decadence, and eventually it faded away.
Years later, a pilot returned home from his long exile. Echelon Marshal NiksaVel had left the IW shortly after the end of the von Reinthaler era, having spent all his resources trying to hold the IW together and then finally giving up.
After wandering the galaxy for years trying to find his destiny he was finally at it, approaching the vast hanger of the MC-60 Warhammer, the flagship of the Infiltrator Wing. Back home.
A new generation of the Elite Guard was soon formed, and the first Commander of the Guard and founder of the Second Order was Rear Admiral NiksaVel who has in turn placed Commander Hobbie in charge of the Guard.
Shortly after Commander Hobbie restarted the Guard he was seriously wounded in a particularly dangerous mission. This injury forced Commander Hobbie to step down as Captain of the Guard.
COL Dolza petitioned Admiral NiksaVel for permission to take over and continue with the Guards' so vitally important role in the IW. Now began the third order of the Guard.
With the resignation of the now, General Dolza, the Elite Guard almost became extinct, the IW Command Staff, led by the Elite Guard's biggest proponent, Line Admiral Gavin Strongarm,
decided to hand control of the Elite Guard over to an up and coming Infiltrator Wing Officer, Commander Mad Hatter. Although the 'Elite' branding was removed from the Guard,
it still holds all the aspects of the origional Guard formed so long ago. Once again, ' VICTORY WILL BE OURS.'
It came the time for Brigadier Mad Hatter to furthur his career with the IW on a broader level. He had been assigned as the IW Training Officer, to continue to develop the IW by molding its cadets into pure fighting machines.
The quest for the new Captain had begun, and one officer in particular stood out. A dedicated IW Officer and Guardsman, and having served in the Guard as BRG Hatter's right hand man,
Lieutenant Colonel Orzon was the most appropriate selection. A new light has been shined upon the Guard, and it is now LC Orzon's duty to lead them to glory.

Join Requirements

  • Must hold the rank of LCM or higher
  • Must own a copy of XWA and/or XvT
  • Invitation by the Captain of the Guard
  • Must be extremely active in the Infiltrator Wing
  • Must have taken IWTA MultiPlayer Flight, Starfighter General Knowledge, Basic Hand to Hand, and Blaster Basics courses and have passed them with at least an 80% --All passing messages to be forwarded to the Captian of the Guard.
  • Must take the IWTA IW-Guard Exam and score no less than a "B"
  • Must have flown at least 20 EH Custom Missions on any platform (T/F, XvT, X/W, XWA)
  • You must than submit a pilot file of your primary platform
    • XvT: the pilot file must have at least 50 player kills
    • XWA: the pilot file must have achieved the rank of Expert 4th with 40 player kills
  • Must have flown at least 20 EH Custom Missions on any platform (T/F, XvT, X/W, and/or XWA)

Upon invitation by the Captain of the Guard, all pilots must fly Tactical Specialist Drak for evaluation and final approval.
The invitee will then be issued the IW Guard Assessment Sheet, which will be filled out and submitted promptly to the Captain of the Guard. The Assessment Sheet WILL NOT hinder a pilot's chances to enter the Guard, it will give the staff a more rounded view of that pilot.


If the Tactical Specialist is not available to fly, the invitee will fly against the Captain of the Guard for evaluation.

>>>It is not possible to join the IW Guard anymore.<<<


The Guard ranking system is different from that of the IW in many ways. We implement a points system, the more points that you earn, the higher your status in the IW-Guard becomes. The ranks are broken down as follows:

  • Elite Guardsman: 2000 BP
  • Supreme Guardsman: 1500 BP
  • Master Guardsman: 1000 BP
  • Veteran Guardsman: 600 BP
  • Senior Guardsman: 400 BP
  • Leading Guardsman: 200 BP
  • Guardsman First Class: 100 BP
  • Guardsman Second Class: 50 BP
  • Guardsman Third Class: 30 BP
  • Junior Guardsman: 20 BP

These are the current IW-Guard ranks. Upon making the rank of Gaurdsman Third Class, you will be issued a Guard Dagger to be worn with your uniform You will be issued a ranking badge for your appropriate rank when you acheive it.

Battle Points

Multi-player competitions:

  • Win IW Wide Melee competition: 5 points
  • Second place IW wide Melee competition: 3 points
  • Third place IW wide Melee competition: 2 points
  • Single Win against a fellow Guardsman: 3 points
  • Single win against a non-Guardsman: 1 point
  • Single Loss against a guardsman: 1 point
  • Tie against a guardsmen: 2 points
  • Tie against non-Guardsman: 1 point
  • WoW win: 5 points (Must be submitted by mail when you finish a match)

Single-Player Competitions:

  • Win in a Guard only competition: 8 points
  • Second place in a Guard only competition: 6 points
  • Third place in a Guard only competition: 5 points
  • Win in an IW wide competition: 5 points
  • Second place in an IW wide competition: 3 points
  • Third place in an IW wide competition: 2 points
  • Participation in an IW wide competition: 1 point

Custom Battles:

  • Awarded 1 point per mission flown, must be approved by the IWTAC. (Current total will be compared with total every month.) Custom Dark Forces Missions From
  • Awarded 10 points per mission completed, submission rules apply:
    • Officer takes a screenshot of the MISSION COMPLETE dialogue box.
    • Writes a review of the mission covering these aspect:
    • Story
    • Design
    • Environment
    • Other (Must be zipped and sent to The Captain of the Guard and The Tactical Specialist and done in accordance with our arrangement with


  • Guard fiction (each page): 2 points (must be submitted to IWNL)

Mission creation:

  • Guard custom mission: 5 point per mission (must be approved by IWTAC)


  • Guard Graphics: 5 points (Must be guard oriented and submitted to IWNL)


Cross of Glory: Can be awarded for any services to the Guard. Also, it is the primary award for placing second in an IW-Guard competition, and for the most flying Guardsman for a given month.

Gold Cross: Can be awarded for services that are deserving more than a CoG, also awarded to the Guardsman with the most MP kills for a given month.

Platinum Star: The primary award for placing first in an IW-Guard competition may also be awarded for services to the Guard that go above and beyond the call of duty and help make the IW Guard great.

Elite Guardian Cross: The highest award a Guardsman can receive, awarded for long time, and unmatched service to the IW-Guard. Award is issued upon attaining the rank of Elite Guardsman.
Can be issued only by the Captain of the Guard after consulting the Support Staff, OR by unanimous vote by the IW-Guard roster, which must be coordinated by a member of the Support Staff.

Karana Protector: The Karana Protector is a title-bestowed upon a Guardsmen by the Captain of the Guard monthly for unsurpassed loyalty and dedication to the Guard for that particular month.
The KP will be issued a ribbon for these services. There will be a different KP every month, but does not exclude former KP's from receiving this award.

IW-Guard Dagger: Issued to a Guardsman who has achieved the rank of Guardsman Third Class.

Victory Ribbons: Issued as a pilot excels in his performance in MP battles.

The system is as follows:

  • Marksman = 15 kills
  • Sharpshooter = 30 kills
  • Top Gun = 50 kills
  • Sniper = 100 kills
  • Hawkeye = 200 or more kills

There will be a Victory Ribbon issued as each level is achieved.

Note: The Captain of the Guard is the only officer who has the power to award IW Guard medals based on their evaluation of an act(s) deserving of an award. In some cases, the IWCOM and IWFO may also award medals. On the matter of the Elite Guardian Cross, same procedure applies as mentioned below.

Former IW Guard Members