Battle Team Leader

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A Battleteam (BT) are the basic organizational unit within the Dark Brotherhood and fall under the command of a Battleteam Leader (BTL). These teams are grouped within a particular House. The teams can consist of up to eleven (11) Battleteam Members (BTM) and a Leader.


The Battleteam Leader may award the following medals for sanctioned Battleteam competitions:


  • Battleteam Leaders are appointed by the House Summit with approval from the Master-At-Arms.
  • The suggested appointment rank for Battleteam Leaders is Acolyte (ACO).

Duties of the Battleteam Leader

The Battleteam Leader is responsible for the overall welfare of his or her team. This includes:

  • keeping members motivated and active.
  • maintaining a Battleteam website with roster, events, etc.
  • running competitions within and outside the team.
  • forwarding any communications from higher in the command chain to team members.
  • reporting to the House Summit on a regular basis.
  • making promotion and/or award recommendations for members where appropriate.
  • setting an example, both in conduct and activity (i.e. following the Articles of War, participating in competitions, on message boards, etc).
  • promoting competitions and other events within the Dark Brotherhood.