TIE Corps rank system

From Emperor's Hammer Encyclopaedia Imperia
Revision as of 20:26, 22 October 2020 by Turtle Jerrar (talk | contribs) (update intro)

Although a Member's overall status within the Fleet will be entirely determined by their position, the following military ranks are presented to further stratify the Emperor's Hammer TIE Corps and give something for members to strive to attain. The position of a member will always take precedence over conflicting ranks (i.e. a Flight Leader who is a Lieutenant Colonel (LC) does not outrank a Squadron Commander who is a Captain). The primary use of the ranks will be to determine minimum standards for the various positions.

A member may retain a rank achieved in a previous assignment to a higher command position even if his current position does not warrant a promotion to that rank.

Current (effective 2006)

In 2006, the images used for the rank panels were updated to be more consistent and to be part of a larger EH-wide system. The system was primarily designed by the Fleet Commander and the images created by Zeth Durron.

Grand Admiral TCGA.png
Sector Admiral TCSA.png
High Admiral TCHA.png
Fleet Admiral TCFA.png
Admiral TCAD.png
Vice Admiral TCVA.png
Rear Admiral TCRA.png
General TCGN.png
Colonel TCCOL.png
Lieutenant Colonel TCLC.png
Major TCMAJ.png
Captain TCCPT.png
Commander TCCM.png
Lieutenant Commander TCLCM.png
Lieutenant TCLT.png
Sub-Lieutenant TCSL.png
Cadet TCCT.png

Historical Revisions

NL21 Edition

Newsletter 21 first announced rank insignia for use by Emperor's Hammer members, designed by Havok. The ranks used were:

Grand Admiral Nl21Ga.gif
Fleet Admiral Nl21Fa.gif
Admiral Nl21Adm.gif
Vice Admiral Nl21Va.gif
Rear Admiral Nl21Ra.gif
Major General Nl21Mg.gif
Lieutenant General Nl21Lg.gif
Brigadier General Nl21Bg.gif
General Nl21Gen.gif
Colonel Nl21Col.gif
Lieutenent Colonel Nl21Ltcol.gif
Major Nl21Major.gif
Commander Nl21Comm.gif
Captain Nl21Capt.gif
Lieutenant Nl21Lt.gif

It should be noted that at this time, active pilots were assigned with the rank of General (taken from the TIE Fighter game) and thus, only the ranks of General or higher were used.

NL48 Edition

On or around NL48 (Jan 1998), FO Kawolski proposed an updating of the rank system. The rank system is as follows:

Grand Admiral Nl49ga.gif
Sector Admiral Nl49sa.gif
High Admiral Nl49ha.gif
Fleet Admiral Nl49fa.gif
Admiral Nl49ad.gif
Vice Admiral Nl49va.gif
Rear Admiral Nl49ra.gif
General Nl49gn.gif
Colonel Nl49col.gif
Lieutenant Colonel Nl49lc.gif
Major Nl49maj.gif
Captain Nl49cpt.gif
Commander Nl49cm.gif
Lieutenant Commander Nl49lcm.gif
Lieutenant Nl49lt.gif
Sub-Lieutenant Nl49sl.gif

In NL49, the rank of High Admiral was created and awarded to Paladin and Khyron.

Side by Side Comparison

Color Key
    Fleet Command rank
  Flag rank
  Line rank
NL 21 Edition NL 48 Edition Current
Grand Admiral Nl21Ga.gif Grand Admiral Nl49ga.gif Grand Admiral TCGA.png
    Sector Admiral Nl49sa.gif Sector Admiral TCSA.png
    High Admiral Nl49ha.gif High Admiral TCHA.png
Fleet Admiral Nl21Fa.gif Fleet Admiral Nl49fa.gif Fleet Admiral TCFA.png
Admiral Nl21Adm.gif Admiral Nl49ad.gif Admiral TCAD.png
Vice Admiral Nl21Va.gif Vice Admiral Nl49va.gif Vice Admiral TCVA.png
Rear Admiral Nl21Ra.gif Rear Admiral Nl49ra.gif Rear Admiral TCRA.png
Major Gen Nl21Mg.gif General Nl49gn.gif General TCGN.png
Lt Gen Nl21Lg.gif Colonel Nl49col.gif Colonel TCCOL.png
Brig Gen Nl21Bg.gif Lt Colonel Nl49lc.gif Lt Colonel TCLC.png
General Nl21Gen.gif Major Nl49maj.gif Major TCMAJ.png
Colonel Nl21Col.gif Captain Nl49cpt.gif Captain TCCPT.png
Lt Colonel Nl21Ltcol.gif Commander Nl49cm.gif Commander TCCM.png
Major Nl21Major.gif Lt Commander Nl49lcm.gif Lt Commander TCLCM.png
Commander Nl21Comm.gif Lieutenant Nl49lt.gif Lieutenant TCLT.png
Captain Nl21Capt.gif Sub-Lt Nl49sl.gif Sub-Lt TCSL.png
Lt Nl21Lt.gif Cadet Cadet TCCT.png