Black Cross of Infiltration

From Emperor's Hammer Encyclopaedia Imperia
Revision as of 10:08, 26 February 2014 by Pellaeon (talk | contribs)


The Black Cross of Infiltration is the highest award a member of the Infiltrator Wing can be presented with, short of the Emperor's Hammer Medal of Honour. The recipients of the BCI have performed consistent and exemplary service and have personally improved the entire Infiltrator Wing through their actions. An example of such service would include personally introducing an aspect to the fleet that proves to be instrumental in its growth. Recipients of this award are afforded the highest respect of their peers and all whom with which they serve.


The Black Cross of Infiltration was the highest medal of the Infiltrator Wing.

Award Authority

This Medal was only awarded by the Infiltrator Wing Commander.

Additional Notes

This Medal can't be awarded any more.

Preceded by
Navy Defence Medal
Merit Award Precedence
Succeeded by