Advanced Guard
Training Manual Description[edit]
The EH Advanced Guard is a place for the most dedicated and loyal members of the Emperor's Hammer. A place where the elite of members with the highest of morals and standards converge to make the EH a better place overall. The ambassadors are here to basically serve as the primary recruiting center and public relations center for the Emperor's Hammer Strike Fleet. Our name describes us well, as we are looking out for the EH by expanding its membership, mending relations with other clubs we have had past troubles with, engaging in public relations with groups such as the SWOFC on AOL, or other Imperial clubs that would be interested in joining us or at least allying with us.
The AG was led by the Lord Ambassador (LA), a primary position that reported to the Fleet Commander and Executive Officer. LAs were started at the rank of Rear Admiral (RA) unless they earned a higher flag rank from a previous assignment.
Beyond the LA, the AG was composed of as many Ambassadors (AMB) as the LA felt were needed. AMB was a secondary position, so there was no appointment rank. AMBs were often responsible for maintaining communication with several clubs at a time.
The AG was not considered a subgroup. Like the Fleet Medical Corps and Sector Rangers, the AG was one of many support units that reported to a task-specific flag position.
Members of the Advanced Guard were allowed and encouraged to include the ASCII representation of a force pike as part of the signature portion of emails.