Drummer The Gunner Nate

From Emperor's Hammer Encyclopaedia Imperia


Drummer The Gunner Nate, formerly known as Nathan Lurdan, was born on Mandalore but left at a young age with his mother and the Women Of Mandalore due to the Night Of A Thousand Tears. He then moved to Dantooine with the other mothers and their families where they started a new life as merchants and scrapers. When Nathan was 20, he left Dantooine and went to Corasaunt as a bounty hunter. Soon after, he met Val'Kalay, a Twi'lek bounty hunter. They became close friends that eventually became romantic. A few years later, he became a mercenary for the Empire where he met Xylo Pethtel on an infiltrating mission. He was then recruited by Xylo and joined Eagle squadron in the Emporers Hammer TIE Corps.