Nova Discordia

From Emperor's Hammer Encyclopaedia Imperia

Current Status

Nova Discordia is currently a Flight Member serving in Epsilon Squadron.


Family information

Nova's father and mother was minor runners for the black market on the planet Andasala, working for a rival competitor to the Provisional Governor (and crimelord) Valis Lorn.

Their organisation was destroyed by Lorn and Nova's parents went into hiding, but were later discovered by one of Lorn's henchmen, and killed when Nova was one standard year old.

Social status

A poor orphan from the streets of Andasala, Nova had numerous brushes with petty crime before joining the Imperial Navy.

Significant events of childhood

Moments before they were killed, her parents had hidden the infant Nova, who was later cared for by a friend of her family, who taught her the basics of surviving the streets of Andasala. Significant events of adulthood: Nova was desperate to escape her life of poverty and crime, and like many young beings before her, enlisted in the Imperial Navy to escape her past, lying about her age and background. Alignment and attiude: Nova is a survivor. And even though she is still a teenager, she has discovered not only a talent for flying, but also the very first family she has ever really known. Previous occupations: Street urchin, Pickpocket, occasional 'distribution agent' for minor crime outfits.

Promotion Record

Enlistment Date: July 16, 2022

Squadron Service Record

  • Epsilon-patch-2019.png FM/LT Nova Discordia/Epsilon 3-4/Wing I/ISDII Hammer

Medals & Awards

HUSS wings.
Flight Certified - 4th Echelon
Combat and Flight Ratings
Fleet Commander's Honor Guard Lancer
Combat Rating (MP PvP)
Combat Rating (MP PvE)
Private 4th Class
Merit Awards
Award Medal Ribbon Grade

Service Medals
Award Medal Ribbon Grade
Legion of Combat (LoC) Loc.png Loc-cs.gif Copper Scimitar (CS)
Legion of Skirmish (LoS) Los.png Los-cs.gif Copper Scimitar (CS)
Award Medal Ribbon Grade