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Scorel "Hopfot" Hayde | |
Biographical Information | |
Homeworld: |
Lothal |
Date of Birth: |
22-07-3247 LY (30 BBY) |
Physical Description | |
Species: |
Human |
Gender: |
Male |
Skin Colour: |
White |
Hair Colour: |
Dark brown |
Eye Colour: |
Blue (Advanced Ocular implant in left eye) |
Height: |
1.71 meters |
Weight: |
100 Kg |
Social Information | |
Allies: |
Alpha Squadron of the ISDII Hammer, the "True Old Republic", the Galactic Empire, |
Enemies: |
Pirates, Hutt Cartel, the "Former Rebel Alliance" (New Republic), the "Corupt of the Empire and Imperial Remnent", Weequay Mercenaries/Pirates. |
Combat Information | |
Personal Ship: | |
Career Information | |
Affiliation(s): | |
Profession(s): |
Pilot, Engineer, Special Operations |
Position(s): | |
Rank(s): | |
TIE Corps Record: |
Hopfot is currently a Lieutenant Commander and 3rd Flight Member of the IDSII Hammer's Alpha Squadron's Flight II in the TIE Corps.
Early History
Hopfot was born Scorel Hayde in the Town of Kothal on the planet Lothal to his Father, Mical Hayde, and Mother, Lorana Hayde, on the 22nd day of the 7th month of the 3247th year of the Lothal Calander (30 ABY). He also has an Older Brother by the the name of Dak'win Hayde, or "Dak" for short.
A hard working middle-class family who occasionally enjoyed some luxury through their hard work. At the age of 5 the Hayde Family moved to Fondor as Mical Hayde had aquired a job working as an engineer for a branch of Seiner Fleet Systems. Mical helped design Starships and shuttles that were used by the Republic during the Clone Wars. It was here that Scorel Hayde would discover his passion for starships and piloting.
When Scorel turned 12, his father, Mical, used his connections from within the Seiner Fleet Systems to allow Scorel to learn how to fly a Starship. By 14 Scorel was helping out at the naval yards, during his off time from schooling, operating type-2 utility tugs moving low priority containers.
As soon as Scorel turned 16 he enslited into the Imperial Academy. Thanks to his already exceptional piloting skills and family's connections on Fondor he was able to immediatly take his junior exams and fitness tests and enroll directly into the Imperial Navy.
Academy Years
"What are you doing?" "The Hopfot" - two of Hopfot's fellow cadets and close friends
Thanks to his birthplace of Lothal and family background, Scorel was unfortuantly sometimes the target of ridicule by the more prestigous family member cadets, sometimes being labeled a "Nerfherder". This unfortunatly became his callsign for the time being, though it did not worry Scorel, as he took as a symbol of his humble beginnings. Despite this he still had no trouble finding and making 5 friends among the nicer cadets.
Occasionally during flight training cadets would be asked to volunteer for various activites without know what the activity was going to be. Scorel would often happily accept these tasks as he always carried a great sense of duty towards the Empire, no matter the scale of the task. Although this would usually resault in scrubbing the latrines, or working in the mess, washing dishes. But one day, 3 years into training at the age of 19, it paid off for the cadet as he was selected to help pilot some old Clone Wars relic Starships to a junkyard. Something that almost every pilot would love to jump at the chance of, piloting a now classic starship. For Scorel it was to be his favourite Starship from that era, the Z-95 Headhunter. And "not the silly looking clone varient either", as Scorel would describe it.
This would however be a small adventure for Scorel, as the ship had suffered quite a bit of damamge during it's more formidable years and final use. As Scorel engaged the Hyperdrive a malfunction within the Hyperdrive's control systems occured causing the ship to burst into and out of hyperspace. Making rapid and short jumps. Such a malfunction could cause either extreme stress to a starship, tearing it apart killing the pilot or worse, trapping the pilot in an endless loop through hyperspace and resaulting in Hyper-rapture. Luckily Scorel's exensive knowledge of both the craft and hyperdrive systems in general allowed him to quickly resolve the situation by locating and removing the Hyperdrive Control Circut between jumps. With the crisis adverted he now had to limp back to his starting point on sublight engines. A trip which took almost a full day. This incident earned Scorel his first nickname and callsign "Hop" or "Hoppy".
A few months later however his Callsign would change once more. As during some shore leave Scorel and his friends found themselves at an Imperial Dance club where one of the cadets started dancing in a foward shuffle motion. As the others laughed at the ridiclousness of the dance, another cadet asked "what are you doing?" the dancing cadet replied "The Hopfot". Immediatly everyone knew what, or more whom, he was referring to and all had a good laugh and decided that would be Scorel's callsign from now on "Hopfot".
Later after his academy training Hopfot would recover the very same Z-95 that had caused his nickname from the junkyard, repaired it and name it "The Hopfot".
The follow week when the cadets had returned from their shoreleave they were partaking in physical training exercises when there was a rebel attack on the academy. An explosive device had been detonated in the academies hanger. Unfortunatly 2 of Hopfot's friends who had finished the task early were in the hanger helping complete mechinical work on their training TIEs, they were killed instantly. Shrapnel and debries from the explosion was sent all over academy grounds, a small piece of shrapnel lodged itself into Hopfot's left eye. And a large peice of debris landed on another friend a few feet behind him. Despite his injury Hopfot crawled to his friend, who was still barely alive, spitting up blood and reaching out for Hopfot's hand. Just as Hopfot grabbed the outstreched hand the life faded from his friend's eyes, this was the one who came up with "The Hopfot". Later whilst recovering, Hopfot was visited by one of his 2 surviving friends only to learn that it was the other survivor that had set the charge and fled. It turned out they were a rebel spy. They never herd from them again. As time passed Hopfot and his remain Cadet friend eventually graduated and were sent on seperate assignments within the Imperial Navy. The pair would eventually meet again when Hopfot is transfered to the ISD Thunder. Hopfot's friend by this time will have transfered out of the TIE Corps due to injuries sustained and instead serve as Hopfot's personal Mechanic aboard the Thunder.
Life would turnaround for Hopfot though. Shortly after his assignment into Imperial Navy, Hopfot met Canduri Gahree, a baker from Naboo during a Propaganda Assignment on the planet. The two would grow very close and eventually marry. Every shore leave Hopfot took he would spend with his wife Canduri. And after his assignment to the ISD Thunder he would sometimes drag his old academy friend with him to Naboo.
Special Training
After just a couple of years flying as a TIE/LN Pilot in the Imperial Navy, Hopfot was inducted into a Special Operations training Program. This included Advanced Planetside Trooper Training, Unit Tacticts, Special, Heavy and Demolitions and Weapons Training, Advanced Computer Systems Slicing, and Advanced Starship Piloting.
After which he become a member of a Special Operations group Talon Squad, where he got his assignment to the ISD Thunder.
End of the Empire
"All fighter near the Executor Bridge, deflector shield down, let noth-...." - SSD Executor Starfighter Commands final transmission.
At the Battle of Endor in 4 ABY, the then Lieutenant, Hopfot was flying as 2nd in Command of a TIE/IN Squadron as Talon-4. His squad was tasked with flying a defensive screen around the SSD Executor along with several other squads. However during the battle one of the squads was destroyed and a small group of fighters begun sweeping the surface of the immense Star Dreadnaught. Hopfot only just caught a short transmission from the startship moments before it's command bridge burst into flames and the huge vessel begun falling into the 2nd Deathstar's gravity well.
It was at this moment the entire Navy's leadership seemed to fall apart. The Comms were filled with static and yelling as everyone was speaking over each other on all channels. Hopfot attempted to contact his command ship the ISD Thunder, but there was no reply and he wasn't hearing his Squad leader Talon-1. Then Talon-5 contacted Hopfot and informed him that the ISD Thunder was destroyed along with Talon-1, Talon-4 Hopfot was now in command of Talon Squad. But before he could order his squad to move in to protect the 2nd Deathstar his sensors showed a massive energy build-up in the stations core. It had gone criticle. Quickly he instead order his entire squad to move at full speed away from the station. As they did a bright flash filled his rear viewport and huge wave of energy blinded anything beyond it from his rear sensors. As the wave hit Hopfot's Interceptor was hit by deris and he was knocked unconcious.
Some time had passed when Hopfot finally regained conciousness. All he found around him was death and destruction. His worse fears had come true and the Rebellion had won. Limping back to the destroyed hanger bay of his command ship. Where he had stored his personall Spacecraft the Z-95 Headhunter "The Hopfot", recovered the ship and made his way home back to his wife on Naboo. When arriving at Naboo it became aparant that as Imperial Loyalists it would be unsafe to remain in their home. They gathered everything they had, purchased a Wayfarer-Class Medium Freighter and made a new home at the "Edge of the Galaxy" on the world of Batuu. Where Hopfot would live a new life a Transporter.
Recruitment into the Emperor's Hammer
"... to what do I owe this pleasure?" -Hopfot to a then unidentified stranger
After a rather troublesome run in with a group of Weequay Mercenaries, during a delivery of Correlian Cream Whiskey (A Correlian Whiskey mixed with cream to make a Creamy Liquor) to a Cantina at the Dinbar City Spaceport on Elrood. Hopfot decided to take a seat at the Cantinas bar and sample some of the drink he had just delivered. The particular drink happened to be a favourite of his.
Just as he received his drink a stranger payed for it and sat next to him. he asked the stranger why he paid for his drink to which the man repsonded “Lieutenant Scorel Hayde, mostly known by his nickname and callsign Hopfot. Former member of Talon Squadron”. After his academy days Scorel had soley gone by his callsign of "Hopfot" especially when he entered special forces. This ment that barely anyone except his superiors ever knew his actual and full name. He figured there was one of 2 options here, this man was with New Republic Intelligence, at point he will have to kill the man and take himeself and his wife into hiding once again. OR he was an officer in Imperial Remnant with access to personnel records from before Endor. Either way Hopfot had his sidearm ready to fire on the man from under the counter. As it turned out it was LC Alejandro Araujo of Alpha Squadron appoard the IDSII Hammer of the Emperor's Hammer with an offer for the former Special Ops Pilot.
Emperor's Hammer Service Record
As of 17/11/2021
Flight Record
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Total Missions Flown: | 4 |
Free Missions Completed: | 4 |
FCHG Rank: | none (4 points) |
Combat Rating: | Certified (22 Points) |
COOP/PvE rating: | Private 4th (40 Points) |
Awards received in service to The Empire:
- Palpatine Crescent
- Imperial Security Medal x 3
- Medal of Instruction - (1 recruit)
- Medal of Communication - diamond oak cluster
- Medal of Communication - gold oak cluster
- Medal of Communication - silver oak cluster x 3
- Medal of Communication - bronze oak cluster x 11
- Iron Star with Bronze Wings
- Iron Star with Bronze Ribbon
- Legion of Combat (22 victories)
- Copper Scimitar x 4
- Regular x 2
- Legion of Skirmish (40 victories)
- Copper Scimitar x 8
- Order of the Vanguard
Number of Imperial University (IU) courses completed: 5
- [TCCORE] Core (100%)
- [BFM] Basic Flight Maneuvers (98%)
- [EAW] Empire at War (100%)
- [SFT] Starfighter Tactics (100%)
- [UL] Unit Leadership (100%)