Legion Ordo

From Emperor's Hammer Encyclopaedia Imperia
Revision as of 20:23, 15 September 2021 by Dynamus (talk | contribs)


 Born the son of two weapons manufacturer ExOs, LegionX as he is known through tie corps, has had every ease of Imperial life granted to him. Though this silver spoon would not deter him from being allured by the chance seeing the ISD II Chimaera on parade while off-world. The sheer majesty of seeing it effortlessly move stirred within him a need to serve.  Rather than taking up the family business LegionX decided to enlist in the imperial military. It was a stark contrast from his family's lifestyle as he viewed as "decadence" and partially the cause for the corruption and injustice through the government and bureaucracy.  

Personality & Traits

 A soldier through and through, while he may not be up to par he echoes those words given by first stormtroopers: "A good soldier follows orders. I am one who believes in order and honor within a civilized galaxy."

Historical Record
02/13/2021 Trainee assigned to SSD Avenger
02/14/2021 Assigned as Flight Member Thunder 3-2/Wing X/ISDII Challenge
02/20/2021 Promoted to Lieutenant
04/13/2020 Assigned as Squadron XO and Flight Leader, Thunder 2-1/Wing X/ISDII Challenge
04/20/2021 Promoted to Lieutenant Commander
07/19/2021 Promoted to Commander

TIE Corps Medals and Awards Earned