
From Emperor's Hammer Encyclopaedia Imperia
Revision as of 15:47, 24 January 2025 by TheSpartanBro (talk | contribs)

‘’’Therj'en'nuruodo’’’ is currently a member of Spear Squadron stationed on the Imperial-II Class Star Destroyer Relentless, part of Battlegroup II of the TIE Corps. He is also a member of House Valkorian of Clan Drakonan in the Secret Order.


Therj'en'nuruodo was born on Kaas 3665 BBY, the child of two naval officers. His father was in the Chiss Expansionary Defense Force. His mother was an Imperial Navy (Sith Empire) Officer.

TIE Corps Military Records


Rank Date Effective Time Held
TCCT.png Cadet 11/4/2022 1 day
TCSL.png Sub-Lieutenant 11/6/2022 2 days
TCLT.png Lieutenant 11/08/2022 2 months, 26 days
TCLCM.png Lieutenant Commander 02/07/2023 4 months, 22 days
TCCM.png Commander 10/08/2023 Current

Positions Held

Date Effective Position Time Spent
11/04/2022 Tc-pos-trn.png  Trainee, IWATS, SSD Avenger 1 day
11/06/2022 Tc-pos-fm.png  Flight Member, Lambda Squadron, Wing I, ISDII ‘’Hammer’’ 1 year, 4 months, 6 days
03/12/2024 Tc-pos-trn.png 

Reserves, M/FRG ‘’Phoenix‘’ || 4 months, 26 days

08/09/2024 Tc-pos-fm.png  Flight Member, Spear Squadron, Wing IX, ISDII ‘’Relentless’’ Current
N/A Tc-pos-fl.png  Flight Leader, Tempest Squadron, Wing X, ISDII ‘’Challenge’’ ‘’Awaiting Orders’’

Awards and Decorations


Wings-echelon-9.png  Flight Certification Wings (9th Echelon)


Ribbon ss.png  Silver Star of the Empire
Ribbon bs.png  Bronze Star of the Empire
Ribbon pc.png  Palpatine Crescent
Ribbon ism.png  Imperial Security Medal
Ribbon iar sl.png  Imperial Achievement Ribbon with Silver Leaf
Ribbon moi bc.png  Medal of Instruction with Blue Cross
Ribbon moc doc.png  Medal of Communication with Diamond Oak Leaf Cluster
Ribbon tua.png  TIE Corps Commander’s Unit Award
Ribbon is cw.png  Iron Star with Copper Wings
Ribbon ora 2c.png  Operational Readiness Award (First Circle)
Ribbon loc rs.png  Legion of Combat with Iridium Scimitar
Ribbon los ps.png  Legion of Skirmish with Thallium Scimitar
Ribbon cob.png  Commendation of Bravery
Ribbon ov 1e.png  Order of the Vanguard (2nd Echelon)
Ribbon gcm assurian halo.png  General Campaign Medal with Assurian Halo Clasp