
From Emperor's Hammer Encyclopaedia Imperia
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Colonel Sephiroth is a long-time veteran of the ISD Challenge, having served as its Commodore and Wing Commander at different stints. He is also a former commander of Inferno Squadron and has a significant history as a member of Tempest Squadron.


Sephiroth originally joined the Emperor's Hammer under a different alias, but his career did not truly begin until he returned from reserves to join his old friend Locke Setzer as a member of Inferno Squadron. When Locke was assigned as the new commander of Tempest Squadron, Sephiroth followed him, becoming Flight Leader of Flight 2 and his unofficial squadron executive officer.

Sephiroth would later return to Inferno Squadron as its new commander, before eventually taking over the role of Wing Commander of Wing X when Mairin Astoris ascended to Commodore of the Challenge.