Acronym guide
From Emperor's Hammer Encyclopaedia Imperia
Revision as of 07:18, 23 November 2023 by Turtle Jerrar (talk | contribs) (→Common Use Acronyms: update GameRanger link)
This Guide is primarily for members that are new to Emperor’s Hammer (EH). It is also a living document designed to be updated periodically by EH Member feedback. Use CTRL F to quickly find the acronym you are looking for. If it isn’t here, update the list.
Common Use Acronyms[edit]
- AFK - Away From Keyboard
- AWOL - Absent Without Leave
- BBL - Be Back Later
- BF1 - EA's Battlefront 1
- BF2 - EA's Battlefront 2
- BGCOM - Battlegroup Commander
- BoP - Balance of Power
- BSC -
- BSF - Battle Submission Form
- BRB - Be Right Back
- BTGR - Back to Game Ranger
- CMDR - Squadron Commander
- COM - Commodore
- COMM - Communications Officer
- COMMS - Communications (Email, Discord, Game Ranger, etc.)
- COO - Combat Operations Officer
- COOA - Combat Operations Officer Assistant
- COOP - Multi Player game vs Computer
- CR - Combat Rating
- DSUCP - Darksaber’s Ultimate Craft Pack (XwA Visual Patch)
- EF - Emperors Fist
- EH - Emperor’s Hammer
- EHBL - Emperor’s Hammer Battle Launcher
- EHM - Encrypted Battle launcher File
- EHSP - Emperor’s Hammer Ship Patcher
- EHTM - Emperor’s Hammer Training Manual
- FC - Fleet Commander
- FCHG - Fleet Commander’s Honor Guard
- FFA - Free For All
- FM - Flight Member
- FL - Flight Leader
- FLT - Flight
- GR - GameRanger
- HWG - Here we go
- INN - Imperial News Network
- IO - Internet Officer
- IOA - Internet Officer Assistant
- IWATS - Imperial Weapons and Tactics School
- IU - Imperial University
- JA - Jedi Academy
- JAG - Judge Advocate General
- K/D - Kill Death Ratio
- LO - Logistics Officer
- LOA - Logistics Officer Assistant
- MP - Multiplayer
- MTFBWY - May the Force Be With You
- MSE - Monthly Squadron Evaluations
- MX - Maintenance
- OPS - Operations
- PvE - Player vs Environment (vs Computer)
- PvP - Player vs Player
- RADAR - Radio Detection and Ranging (My favorite)
- RE - Hello again or welcome back (Used in the BSC/Week of War days)
- RO - Recon Officer
- SC - Star Conflict
- SCO - Science Officer
- SO - Security Officer
- SOO - Strategic Operations Officer
- SP - Single Player
- SQ - Squadron
- SS- Screen Shot
- SWGB - Star Wars Galactic Battleground
- SWS - Star Wars Squadrons
- TAC - Tactical Officer
- TC - TIE Corps
- TCCOM - TIE Corps Commander
- TCPM - TIE Corps Pilot Manual
- TIE - Twin Ion Engine
- TO - Training Officer
- TOA - Training Office Assistant
- TRN - Trainee
- WC - Wing Commander
- W/L - Win Loss Ratio
- WoW - Week of War
- WSR - Weekly Squadron Reports
- XO - Executive Officer
- XvT - X-Wing vs Tie Fighter
- XWA - X-Wing Alliance
- XWAUCP - X-Wing Alliance Upgrade (XwA Visuals Patch)
See also: Category:Awards_of_the_Emperor's_Hammer.
- BS - Bronze Star of the Empire
- CoB - Commendation of Bravery
- CoE - Commendation of Excellence
- CoL - Commendation of Loyalty
- CoS - Commendation of Service
- DFC - Distinguished Flying Cross
- GS - Gold Star of the Empire
- IAR - Imperial Achievement Ribbon
- IC - Imperial Cross
- IS - Iron Star
- ISM - Imperial Security Medal
- LoA - Letter of Achievement
- LoC - Legion of Combat
- LoS - Legion of Skirmish
- MoC - Medal of Communication
- MoH - Medal of Honor
- MoI - Medal of Instruction
- MoS - Medal of Scholarship
- MoT - Medal of Tactics
- MUA - TIE Corps Meritorious Unit Award
- OoR - Order of the Renegade
- ORA - Operational Readiness Award
- OV - Order of the Vanguard
- PC - Palpatine Crescent
- SS - Silver Star of the Empire
- TUA - TIE Corps Commander's Unit Award
See also: TIE Corps rank system.
- CT - Cadet
- SL - Sub-Lieutenant
- LT - Lieutenant
- LCM - Lieutenant Commander
- CM - Commander
- CPT - Captain
- MAJ - Major
- LC - Lieutenant Colonel
- COL - Colonel
- GN - General
- RA - Rear Admiral
- VA - Vice Admiral
- AD - Admiral
- FA - Fleet Admiral
- HA - High Admiral
- SA - Sector Admiral
- GA - Grand Admiral