Flight Member

From Emperor's Hammer Encyclopaedia Imperia
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Position Description

The Flight Member is the first position a new member is assigned to a squadron for active duty. Flight Members are the primary activity base within the TIE Corps, participating in competitions, making submissions to the Newsletter, posting on message boards, furthering their education with IWATS courses, talking with fellow members and other activities. In addition, Flight Members are encouraged to interact with their immediate superiors (Flight Leaders and/or Squadron Commanders) in regards to any questions or suggestions they may have.

Rank: A Flight Member starts with the rank of Sub-Lieutenant. They may be promoted to Major. The maximum rank any Flight Member may HOLD is General, regardless of whether the squadron is elite or not.

Command Responsibilities

  • Submissions for the Emperor's Hammer Newsletter (sent to the Executive Officer).
  • Post/read the Emperor's Hammer Message Boards (where possible).
  • Participate in competitions (where possible).
  • Attend on-line meetings (where possible).
  • Recommendations for medals and promotions (should be forwarded to the Squadron Commander).
  • Online Requirements: Few other than responding to e-mail occasionally. The expected maximum email response time is generally 1 week. If the Member does not respond within 30 days, then the Flight Member is considered Absent Without Leave (AWOL) and is removed from the active roster - a pilot wishing to have their profile reactivated after going AWOL will have to contact the Flight Officer to have it reactivated.
  • (Average 1-2 hours/week)
TIE Corps Positions
TCCS Positions
TIE Corps Commander - Strategic Operations Officer - Combat Operations Officer - Warfare Officer
Flag Officer Positions
Battlegroup Commander
Advisor Positions
Simulations Officer
Line Positions
Squadron Commander - Flight Leader - Flight Member
Defunct Positions
Dean of IWATS - War Officer - Commodore - Wing Commander - Warden