
From Emperor's Hammer Encyclopaedia Imperia
Revision as of 22:47, 11 September 2016 by Plif (talk | contribs) (Updating awards)

Past Assignments

Some of the leadership roles that Plif has occupied in the Emperor's Hammer:

Commodore of the ISD Warrior
Editor of the TIE Corps Newsletter (EDR)
Combat Operations Office Assistant (COOA)
Commander of Sin Squadron - Wing II, ISD Warrior
Commander of Asp Squadron - Wing XIV, ISD Intrepid, Aggressor Strike Force (Twice)
Quaestor of House Caliburnus of Clan Scholae Palatinae
Quaestor of House Ronin of Clan Alvaak
Executive Medical Officer of the Fleet Medical Corps
Deputy Chancellor of the Imperial Senate
Sector Enforcement Commissioner of the Sector Rangers
Command Attaché to the Security Officer
Lord Ambassador of the Advanced Guard

Significant Awards

Gold Star of the Empire
"For one year of exemplary service as Commodore of the ISD II Warrior I am proud to reward Admiral Plif with a Gold Star of the Empire." - TCCOM/HA Elwood the Brave

Gold Star of the Empire
"Vice Admiral Plif stepped August 2015 in HA Frodo March's boots and took over command of the ISD II Warrior. He is not only an excellent Command Officer. He always got ideas and suggestions to develop the TC further. With his tireless work the TC has now its own newsletter. He is not always an uncomplicated officer, he doesn't mince matters. But this is what I expect from leading officers. This is the way, how the TC can be developed further. It is a pleasure for me to award VA Plif with a Gold Star of the Empire for his great services!" - SOO/AD Pellaeon

Gold Star of the Empire
"Colonel Plif outdid himself for another Raise the Flag Competition. He finished the competition with 701 points, good for fourth. That means he flew 465 missions, earned 89 LoCs and 43 LoSs. Sin finished in second place for the second year in a row, and I think that is in no small part thanks to the Squadron's Commander. It's been said that Plif is the best Commander in the fleet, and I believe it. For his efforts during RTF/June 2015, I urge you to accept this recommendation for a Gold Star of the Empire." - COM/HA Frodo March

Gold Star of the Empire
"Plif started off just two months ago as Commander of Sin and has shown us all that he is a force to be reckoned with, and so is Sin. He not only won the top position in the MP competition for RTF, but he helped lead the charge for the whole ship finishing third overall with over 1000 points. He flew 307 missions with 3 high scores, and earned 319 Legions of Combat. Let that sink in. 319... in one month. He knocked it out of the park with one of the most impressive efforts I've seen in my entire career. To top it off, Plif has quickly become one of the best commanders in the fleet. His pilots love being in Sin because he made it a great place to be, and quick. For superior command ability, and tremendous flight activity, a Gold Star is an easy call to make in my book." - COM/HA Frodo March

Gold Star of the Empire
"For over a year of services working to make the SRs better. His tireless efforts to keep the SO working, despite obvious handicaps." - SO/FA Slade J. Holm

Silver Star of the Empire
"Admiral Plif was able to lead his ship, the ISD Warrior to its 3rd Raise the Flag victory. He took active part in the competition and flew 292 SP missions, got 2 MP victories and won 276 COOP matches. For his efforts leading the Warror once again to the victory becoming a 3rd time the flag ship of the TIE Corps and his overwhelming gaming activities, I'm proud the award AD Plif with the Silver Star of the Empire! Congratualtions!" - SOO/FA Pellaeon

Silver Star of the Empire
"Since becoming my assistance, LC Plif has been a pillar of the Combat Office. He had brought new ideas and ways of thinking to the Office. With that, how things are done now are much more efficient and streamlined. He has been the voice of change, working to help get Co-op PvE added as another form of activity to attain medals. Along with this, he was instrumental in the creation of the new medal that goes along with the new form of activity. In addition, LC Plif has processed a vast majority, if not most of the PvP submissions on a daily basis. As well as being a driving force in getting other pilots to group together, he has managed to fly and submit some victories of his own. For his steadfast service to the COO, I would like to award LC Plif the Silver Star." - VA Crsepe

Silver Star of the Empire
"Plif earned 239 LoCs, flew 4 TIE missions, earned the DFC and lead the most active Squadron on the Warrior for the second month in a row. In addition to this tremendous activity, Plif also advised me for Wing and Ship matters, and became the ISD Warrior's trivia master, essentially running the competition. His work as Sin CMDR thus far is unmatched, as he continues to lead by example, and run some of the best Squadron competitions I've seen in a long time. Needless to say, Major Plif is very deserving of another Bronze Star of the Empire. However, I'd like to award Plif the Silver Star of the Empire for his continued excellence in the position as Commander of Sin Squadron. He's been consistently putting up months like these since he took command back in May, and his importance to the ISD Warrior cannot be overstated. Well done Commander." - HA Frodo March

Silver Star of the Empire
"For his continuing service to the Security Office and Sector Rangers." - FA Nightflyer

Grand Cross of the Dark Side
"Assistance to the Master At Arms on the Brotherhood Surveys." - Nighthawk

Ch'hala Staff
"This member and I have been clashing for nearly the entire time we've known each other. While we both have vehemently disagreed and unquestioningly agreed, there is no one that can doubt his loyalty and dedication to the Imperial Senate. He has served as a Chairman, the Deputy Chancellor, Precentor Martial, and as an Aide. Senator Plif, for his long two years of service, is also awarded the Ch'hala Staff." - CHS Belzedar Sleygar

TIE Corps Rank

When he returned to TIE Corps active duty in 2014, Plif turned in his Colonel badge in exchange for the rank of Captain, the last line rank he'd earned before being promoted to Vice Admiral. He felt that earning Colonel the "right way" would be a worthy goal to set in coming back and reached Colonel again on May 27th, 2015.

Current Assignment

Plif is currently commands the ISD Warrior. He is also a rogue Dark Jedi holding the rank of Sith Battlemaster.

CA:SO/VA Plif, 2001
FL/COL Plif, 2005