
From Emperor's Hammer Encyclopaedia Imperia
Revision as of 13:17, 29 June 2023 by Turtle Jerrar (talk | contribs) (initial commit for the nine officially recognized subgroups)
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The Emperor's Hammer Strike Fleet has existed as an overarching organization since 1995. The Emperor's Hammer Command Staff (EHCS) oversees the operations of smaller organizations that focus on different types of activities.

Active Subgroups

TIE Fighter Corps

The elite TIE Fighter pilots that battle with the Rebel forces and defend the Emperor's Hammer territories.

All pilots must first meet the entrance requirements before they serve the Imperial Navy as the most elite and highly trained starfighter pilots in the Outer Rim Territories. Entering pilots must first apply and then complete initial training requirements. They will then will be appointed to a squadron as a Flight Member.

The TIE Corps pilots are active in single-player competitions (using TIE Fighter, X-Wing vs TIE Fighter, and X-Wing Alliance) as well as online (using XvT, XWA, and Star Conflict).

The Dark Brotherhood of Jedi

The Dark Brotherhood of the Jedi serves as a secret combat and training society for all those interested in learning the ways of the Dark Side of the Force.

Any Member of the Fleet (even those in other subgroups) may join the Dark Brotherhood without a second email address. These Dark Jedi gain ranks within their Order, medals, positions in a Dark Jedi House or Clan, and prestige as they contribute to the Brotherhood.

The Dark Brotherhood members are active using the same platforms as the TIE Corps as well as an active guild on Star Wars: The Old Republic MMO and various games hosted on Steam (Jedi Knight I and II, Team Fortress 2, and Star Conflict).


The following subgroups were previously operated by the Emperor's Hammer, but are no longer active. Some activities

Hammer's Fist Stormtrooper Legion

The elite Stormtroopers of the Emperor's Hammer. These troopers consist of highly trained Imperial Stormtroopers that perform special operations for the Fleet. There are currently Zero-G Spacetroopers, Scout Troopers, Desert and Cold Assault/Snowtrooper Platoons...(game platform: Dark Forces)...

Infiltrator Wing

Many former Rebellion Pilots have seen the error of their ways and returned to the New Order of the Empire. Due to the constant need of the remnants of the Imperial Navy for new starfighter pilots, these pilots have been allowed to continue flying their Rebel "alphabet" fighters (i.e. the XWing, AWing, Y-Wing, and B-Wing) and Capital Ships in the service of the Empire...The Infiltrator Wing will be an invaluable internal training tool with the existing EH TIE Fighter Corps when the anticipated XWing vs TIE Fighter is released...(game platform: X-Wing)...

EH Directorate

The Emperor's Hammer Directorate is under revision/creation. A combination of the old EH Imperial Survey Corps and the EH Civilian Command Authority (CCA), the EH DIR will become the group within the EH that concentrates on system politics and fleet tactics using new games from LucasArts...(anticipated game platform: Rebellion)

The EH DIR will also incorporate the duties of the former Imperial Survey Corps (ISC) which are the Scouts for the Fleet. The ISC Corvettes and survey ships continually roam the Outer Rim Territories, searching for new planetary systems for the Empire to "liberate"...The ISC typically provides writeups and maps for new Star Systems (in West End RPG format) to be considered for inclusion in the EH Systems Manual...

Corporate Division

The "slicers" of the Fleet. The individual "corporations" are responsible for new fighters,capital ships, weapons and general PC game "innovations" in the service of the Fleet...In these dangerous days after Endor and with the Emperor's Hammer Fleet spread throughout the Emperor's Hammer Territories, the Corporate Division has been given the authority to field small MilCom Picket Fleets for suppression and defense...

The Fringe

The Emperor's Hammer features online Star Wars Roleplaying Games (RPGs) which rely heavily on existing West End Games Star Wars RPG (TM) Rules and Sourcebooks. So, if you are already a Star Wars RPG gamer and have stumbled across the EH RPG, be advised that the Emperor's Hammer has begun accepting "Players (PLs)" in groups of 3-7, each group is led by a Gamemaster (GM) who all report to the Chief Gamemaster (CGM). The "adventures" are typically set within the EH Territories (please see the Systems Manual) and require a separate EH Persona (i.e. ID Line). (game platforms: West End Games Star Wars RPG Manuals and Sourcebooks, upcoming Wizards of the Coast and Star Wars Galaxies Massive Online RPG).

The Bounty Hunters' Guild

The Fleet Commander occasionally authorizes the use of independent Bounty Hunters for the greater good of the Empire...Such missions typically are held in an open forum on the World Wide Web/WWW (i.e. first come, first win style of 'IRC hunts') and include prisoner retrieval, target identification and termination/capture assignments...Rewards/Prizes are earned and Members advance in the Ranks according to their Account status measured in Imperial Credits...

Intelligence Division

The eyes and ears of the Emperor's Hammer in the chaotic region of the Outer Rim. The ID keeps a close watch not only on our internal Fleet workings but also external threats...Individual 'Bureaus' and 'Branches' of Intel perform highly secret and critical functions for the Fleet...These can include VIP escort, infiltration, information gathering, etc...Although TIE Fighter Missions are used by some Branches of 'Intel', purchase of TIE Fighter is not needed to join Intel as WWW 'IRC hunts' are held as well...

Imperial Senate

Recently, the Fleet Commander (GA Ronin) has received several requests from non-gamers to join the Emperor's Hammer. Consequently, in light of the "historical facts" released during Episode I: The Phantom Menace, a new Subgroup will soon be formed. It will initially be simple in command structure so as to allow room for growth. Although the entire Imperial Senate was officially dissolved by decree of Emperor Palpatine just prior to the destruction of the first Death Star at Yavin IV, Grand Admiral Ronin has allowed the Imperial Citizenry to reform the Imperial Senate in the Outer Rim to assist with the management of civilian resources throughout the Territories and to free the Fleet's military structure to defeating the ever-lingering Rebellion.

The Subgroup will be comprised of an "unlimited" number of Senators (but remember the one EH ID Line/email address rule...!). When a Senator joins Imperial Senate Subgroup, he/she MUST select a planet of origin (ONLY worlds/systems from existing, published Star Wars sources or the EH Systems Manual may be used...!).

Support Organizations

In addition to officially recognized subgroups, the Emperor's Hammer has also operated several smaller task-oriented support organizations.

EH Advanced Guard

As "Ambassadors" of the Emperor's Hammer, the EH Advanced Guard is comprised of only the most trusted and loyal Imperials. The EH Advanced Guard represents the Emperor's Hammer to various online clubs, magazines, Internet Service Providers (ISPs), WWW sites, etc. In addition, the Ambassadors of the Advanced Guard have made recruitment of new Imperials to the Emperor's Hammer their primary goal. The Advanced Guard is led by the Lord Ambassador (LA) and the Ambassadors (AM).

Fleet Naval Corps

The Fleet Naval Corps opened the doors of Echo Company to new recruits. The Naval Corps exists introduce an Naval element into the TIE Corps, and officers joining the Naval Corps will be assigned to command the numerous Cruisers, Frigates and Corvettes that accompany the Imperial Star Destroyers of the TIE Fighter Corps. The Naval Corps will utilize X-Wing Alliance to conduct Fleet Wargames similar to the recent Fleet Strategic Battle Exercise - Imperial Storm.

Fleet Medical Corps

The Fleet Medical Corps (FMC) was a support organization that was tasked with strengthening the morale of EH members and encouraging member retention. FMC members were assigned to units in some but not all of the subgroups. Doctors and their Nurse assistants would offer assistance but not RL medical advice.

Sector Rangers

The Sector Rangers were a small group of volunteers attached to the Security Office that spent time in the EH IRC channels and on the message boards looking for opportunities to provide assistance anyone looking for help and relay observed misconduct to the Security Officer.

EH: Star Wars CCG

In order to provide a decidedly "Imperial perspective" to the popular Star Wars Customizable Card Game (SW:CCG) produced by Decipher, the newest Subgroup has been added to the Emperor's Hammer. EH:CCG will utilize existing published cards in online, real-time CCG gameplay.

Smuggler's Guild

In these uncertain times after the Battle of Endor, the Emperor's Hammer Strike Fleet, located far out in the Outer Rim, must use the services of less than reputable Smugglers to keep our Imperial war machine supplied...The Guild performs primarily WWW IRC hunt missions but some TIE Fighter missions where the player flies small capital ships (i.e. Corellian Corvettes, Muurian Transports, Shuttles, etc...) and gains 'rewards' and thus, advancement in the Guild...

EH Imperial Survey Corps

EH Civilian Command Authority

Dark Jedi Brotherhood

The Dark Jedi Brotherhood was affiliated with the Emperor's Hammer for many years until seceding from the Emperor's Hammer. It shares a common ancestry with The Dark Brotherhood of Jedi.