Silwar Naiilo

From Emperor's Hammer Encyclopaedia Imperia

Vice Admiral Silwar Naiilo is Commodore of the ISD-II Challenge and member of the Dark Council. He was previously the squadron commander of Tempest Squadron (2020-09-16 - 2021-06-01), Internet Officer (2008-05-10 - 2008-08-25), Slayer Squadron Commander (2007-11-03 - 2008-05-10), and BTL of the Battalion of Fear.

TIE Corps

CT Naiilo originally joined the Emperor's Hammer TIE Corps in ABY 15. While a member of Delta Company aboard the PLT Daedalus, along with his usual training, he completed the IIC/1, IIC/2, IIC/3, IWATS, and AMP Imperial University courses. After completing his certification, he was assigned to Omicron Squadron 1-3 aboard the ISDII Challenge as SL Silwar Naiilo, underneath Commander MAJ Murleen, Wing Commander COL Angel, and Commodore RA Darklord. After completing the XWAI and XWAC IU courses, he was promoted to LT the same day. From there, he earned several merit awards and won several combat events, and became Flight Leader of Omicron Squadron flight 2 a month later.

After another month as flight leader, he became Commander of Slayer Squadron aboard the ISD Subjugator. There he completed a number of additional IU courses such as ASP, PHP, GFX, and AIM, won several multiplayer competitions, and focused on growing his use of Force Powers among the Dark Brotherhood, which was closely aligned with the squadrons aboard the Subjugator.

After six months as Slayer CMDR, Silwar was appointed as Internet Officer with the rank of Vice Admiral in ABY 16. There, he primarily worked on the new Hammer's Fist website, along with maintenance of the existing web properties of the Emperor's Hammer until the birth of his first child nine months later. He then retired until ABY 28 to spend time with his family.

Silwar returned in ABY 28, a flight member in Beta Squadron under COL Doyon. After a month, he joined a number of his recruits as a flight leader in the recently re-activated Tempest Squadron. A few months later, with the retirement of COL Dunta Polo, Silwar took command of Tempest Squadron. There, Tempest took third place in Raise the Flag 2020, first place in TIE Corps in Battle 2020, and second place in Squadron Remobilization 3.

After almost ten months as Tempest commander, Silwar then was given the position of Commodore of the ISDII Challenge. While its commodore, the Challenge won Imperial Storm 3, TIE Corps in Battle Season 3, and Raise the Flag 2021.

Dark Brotherhood

Art and Fiction

Established Feats

  • Built Gonk, a tool to help commanders, competition runners, and command staff track squadron-based activity
  • Part of the TTT3 team
  • Part of the TC Logo Design team
  • Part of the 2020 TCiB first place team on Tempest
  • Part of the 2021 ReMob second place team on Tempest
  • Rewrote the IIC/1, IIC/2, and IIC/3 IWATS examps (compiling the courses into IIC/1 and IIC/2).
  • Redesigned the Slayer website

Preceded by
Anahorn Dempsey
ISD-II Challenge Commodore
July 2021-TBD
Succeeded by
Preceded by
Dunta Polo
Tempest Squadron Commander
Sep 2020-July 2021
Succeeded by
Preceded by
Internet Officer
May 2008-Oct 2008
Succeeded by
