Medal of Honor

From Emperor's Hammer Encyclopaedia Imperia
(Redirected from Medal of Honor)

The Medal of Honor (MoH) is a merit award of the Emperor's Hammer. It was created in Newsletter 14 by Jedi, and is the highest award an Emperor's Hammer member can aspire to achieve. It can only be awarded by the Fleet Commander and is typically awarded to Command Staff Officers who have served long and highly productive terms in their position. It may be awarded to and displayed by any Emperor's Hammer member regardless of subgroup.


The Medal of Honor is the highest medal a member of the Emperor’s Hammer may be awarded. The recipients of the Medal of Honor have performed consistent service above and beyond the call of duty and have personally and significantly improved the entire Fleet through their direct actions. An example of such service would include personally introducing an aspect to the fleet which proves to be instrumental in its growth. Recipients of this award are afforded the highest respect of their peers and all whom they serve with.

Award Authority

Recommendation Authority: Command Staff officers and their Command Attaches, or Subgroup Commanders.

Approval Authority: Fleet Commander.

Medal of Honor Recipients

Due to multiple data transitions since the founding of the Emperor's Hammer, the list of recipients is not exhaustive as the current EH Medal Board only contains a portion of all recipients.

Medal of Honor Recipients
Recipient Date Awarded
HA Ari Unknown
FA Brad Unknown
FA Brett Unknown
COL Callista Unknown
FA Czulvang Lah Unknown
SA Compton Unknown
GN Devin Unknown
FA Doomsday Unknown
COL EmpReach Unknown
GM Faethor Unknown
FA Howlader Unknown
HA Jedgar O. Paladin Unknown
SA Kawolski Unknown
HA Keiran Idanian Unknown
VA Keldorn Cochrane Unknown
FA Kessler Unknown
FA Kramer Unknown
HA Khyron Unknown
FA Marcin Szydlowski Unknown
HA Mordechi Wolfe Unknown
GA Ronin Unknown
HA Royal Unknown
FA Stalker Unknown
HA Striker Unknown
COL Scoser Unknown
AD Tarkin Unknown
FA Threat Unknown
DP Trench Unknown
SA Yoni Unknown
SA Renegade 1995-7-6
SA Kreeayt Havok 1995-12-3
FA Aiden Cantor Karias 2001-5-26
GA Rapier 2001-6-1
HA Priyum Patel 2002-2-25
HA Ender mBind 2004-12-18
FA Joe 2005-5-11
GA Cyric 2005-5-22
LC Tempest 2007-12-24
HA Anahorn Dempsey 2010-9-14
HA Zsinj 2010-9-14
HA Daniel Bonini 2015-4-13
GN Elwood the Brave 2017-4-16
FA Pellaeon 2018-7-4
COL Silvius 2019-10-31
HA Turtle Jerrar 2022-3-16
HA Plif 2022-5-8
FA Tomaas Montte 2022-7-8
FA Jarek La'an 2023-10-31
SA Kamjin 'Maverick' Lap'lamiz 2023-10-31


Ribbon moh.png

See Also