System Manual:Drezo

From Emperor's Hammer Encyclopaedia Imperia
(Redirected from Drezo)

Drezo is the planet closest to Zahnis. Its surface for the most part is a barren wasteland of rock and sand. The planet gains its character from its enormous and abundant volcanoes, some dormant and others very active. There are rivers and seas of molten lava. The Pasha River is the widest and deepest river on the planet with its wild rapids of flowing lava. Due to the ever-present lava the surface of the planet is ever changing, and is hard to map and document. The Blaze Forest is home to the eternal burning trees. Where most trees have leaves, the Blaze Tree has flames. To see this forest is truly a sight. This seemingly uninhabitable plant is the residence of the Nideavoot Tsayad Bounty Hunter College, where would be hunters learn the skills of the hunt.

There are only two things located on the surface of Drezo. One is the Spaceport Shamash located close to the underground complex of the NTC and the abandoned HQ of the Kaji Team which was located in the centre of the 1 billion year old extinct volcano called Vesta.

Drezo is the perfect endurance training ground! Journeymen hunters that hope to obtain the rank of Venator are dropped off on Drezo with a minimum amount of water and other supplies and told to survive for two weeks on their own. Elite hunters must undergo the same test when striving for the rank of Master, but are given only half as many supplies and required to survive for a month. Although extremely dangerous, these tests are oddly popular and many hunters put themselves to it periodically to show-off, or simply test themselves.

Drezo's only other purpose is to supplement the BHG's income through the sale of rare and expensive spices and minerals, which are mined from beneath the dune seas or cut out of the vast mountain ranges.


  • Vesta
  • Phoenix HQ
  • The NTC
  • Helios - Steam Power Plant
This article is part of the System Manual
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Beta Sector
Lyarna System Hier System Karana System
DrezoSol'rahlRavouinDesalmadoBraaksma Dar DevaSahareLearsKaiburr
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Lyccos II CinadHiranPirath III Yridia IIYridia IX
Dar'Telis System
Dar'Telis I
Allied Territories
Last update: Turtle Jerrar (02/8/2025)