System Manual:Yridia IX

From Emperor's Hammer Encyclopaedia Imperia
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Yridia IX is a habitable planet located in the Yridia System of the Minos Cluster.

Yridia IX is a moderately successful colony world that specializes in mining the nearby Itaana Asteroid Belt for lommite. This asteroid field, lying in a almost perfectly circular orbit at the outermost fringes of this system, is incredibly rich in various metals and ores required for all sorts of modern industrial operations. It is rumored that the mineral wealth in this belt rivals that of the hidden Source Worlds of Corellian Engineering Corporation. Unfortunately for the several small independent corporations that mine the precious lommite (used in the manufacture of transparisteel) found in abundance in the Itaana Asteroid Belt, the cost of transport back to the Inner Rim precludes them from making much profit. The lommite mines of Elom, also located in the Borderlands and recently joining the New Republic, has experienced similar difficulties. However, the mines of Elom are almost exclusively contracted for the New Republic industries, so their transport costs are more than made up through volume sales.

Consequently, since Yridia IX has declined to join either the New Republic or the Empire, it's corporate customers are primarily individuals, small Outer Rim based Corporations, planetary governments and the where near as lucrative as supplying an entire Starfleet. In some ways, this suits the colonists on Yridia IX just fine. Far removed from galactic politics, the Corporations decide their own pricing and clientele. More than one unscrupulous pirate or bounty hunter has docked at the infamous Yridia IX Starport...locally known as Eden...The citizens of Yridia IX as well as all sorts of underworld visitors have been know to regularly frequent the various bars, nightclubs, brothels (serving all sorts of alien and human tastes) and gambling dens present in Eden. The pleasure dens of Eden have been frequented by almost every pirate, smuggler, bounty hunter, gambler, thief, assassin and One of the local bars at the Eden Starport, the Flailed Wookie, even has a signed picture of the famous Rebel heroes, Han Solo and Chewbacca in their early days, hanging above the ancient Endorian oak bar.

Despite the abundance of lawless visitors to Yridia IX, the local Constabulary does a surprisingly good job at keeping the violence to a minimum. Since all weapons are officially banned within the limits of Eden, random blaster fire is a rare occurrence. This suits the local Corporations and colonists who prefer a homeworld with minimal disruptions. However, one would be hard pressed to find a soul on Yridia IX who would not be interested in making a quick profit even if at the expense of a family member.

The Starport is of exceptional quality and facilities, considering its remote location in the galaxy. The Stellar class StarPort serves all of the Corporate interests in-system as well as the illegitimate spacefarers. Almost every few minutes, various freighters, tugs, mining vehicles, pirate or smuggler ships can be found arriving or departing Eden, making Yridia IX one of the most active trading centers in the Minos Cluster.

This article is part of the System Manual
Alpha Sector
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Beta Sector
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Lyccos II CinadHiranPirath III Yridia IIYridia IX
Dar'Telis System
Dar'Telis I
Allied Territories
Last update: Turtle Jerrar (02/8/2025)