System Manual:Frigg

From Emperor's Hammer Encyclopaedia Imperia
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Frigg is the fourth planet in the Phare System. It is a major fishing export hub for the Emperor's Hammer due to its abundance of marine life and has developed a thriving tourist trade.


From orbit, Frigg is a planet of lush blues and greens. Ninety-three percent (93%) of the planet is covered in water, and the remaining seven percent (7%) is mostly covered by jungle. The planet is subject to torrential downpours for the majority of the winters, and thus parts of the jungles turn to swamps for most of the year. Few creatures larger than a Kath Hound inhabit the jungles because of this, but the planet life is some of the most diverse to be found within such a small area of land within the Hammer.

Although the temperature on Frigg is considered somewhat high by Imperial standards, it is an exotic planet abundant with life and surprisingly untouched by the Imperial presence in the Phare System. When the Phare System was first colonized by Imperials approximately 30 years ago, the Imperial Terraformers and Scouts knew exactly what purpose to designate Frigg. A luxury and recreation planet. Its warm climate and abundance of life was claimed to aid in the healing of the sick and aged. Scientific analysis of the water and soils indicate the presence of several, as yet unidentified compounds and elements, suggesting that this claim may have some validity.

Although there has been no recorded presence of sentient species on the planet, visitors are advised that Frigg is a living "species factory" with an estimated 3,000-5,000 new biological species evolving and a similar number becoming extinct every day. Nature is working overtime on Frigg. Consequently, there may be several uncatalogued carnivorous nasties and beasties to beware of as well as the usual aquatic dangers. It should be noted that the initial surveys by Palpatine's Dark Adepts revealed this planet may have an unusually strong presence of the force, considering that the planet almost seems "alive". Dark Jedi sometimes can be found on Frigg, roaming the swamps and uplands of the planet; studying, cataloging, and communing with the Dark Side of the Force.

Cities, Structures, and Demographics[edit]

Many elaborate cities were built by the colonists to meld into the local jungles and shorelines. These were constructed either on massive supports far above the wet, swampy continental plateaus, massive repulsorlift platforms, or undersea. Many cities are partially or wholly submerged with expansive undersea viewing areas and concourses. On approach from orbit, one can hardly notice the fact that the planet has 4 billion inhabitants.

Fishing villages dot the coastline where groups of citizens work to catch the variety of seafood that makes up the majority of the Friggian diet. The extremely salty oceans are home to humans as well. Floating cities provide living space for seventy percent (70%) of Friggians, and are often considered the most fascinating objects on the planet. The locals are known to awe naive tourists by explaining how the cities remain afloat because the extreme salinity of the oceans has resulted in the cities being less dense than the water. Since the implementation of standardized Imperial Education across the Phare System, this tale has fooled fewer and fewer tourists each year.

Each of the floating cities operates as an independent City-State which ultimately answers to the Imperial Planetary Governor. They are primarily oriented towards entertainment, luxury trade and aquatic farming. However, some have also excelled at the fine arts such as theater, poetry, music and dancing. Frigg was becoming slowly known in the Outer Rim as one of the more popular resort planets. Unfortunately, after the Battle of Endor, the tourist trade has dropped off more than 85%. However, tourism is beginning to pick up once again, giving the beleaguered colonists hope for better days.

The planet has also occasionally been used as an Aquatic Stormtrooper training area. The sunsets have epic quality, the sight of which is said to calm the most heavy of hearts. With Ullyr and Sif both occupying the dusk sky every day, and due to the close orbit to Frigg, one can almost reach out and touch the large pastel orbs in the evening sky. With the added touch of the blue-white swamp fires, a night on Frigg can be mesmerizing in its display.


Like Osiris, Frigg's economy is fueled by its fishing industry since almost 93% of the planet is covered by water resulting in an astounding amount of aquatic life. Friggian seafood is highly regarded by citizens of the Emperor's Hammer and her allies, and has resulted in many of the first small fisheries becoming booming enterprises of galactic proportions. This has resulted in abuse by many corporations seeking to monopolize the industry, and has resulted in extended strikes on the past, and sometimes near collapses of the planetary economy. Governors General who have let the matter get out of hand have been known to meet untimely ends at the hands of the Grand Moff and/or the seafood-lovers of the Territories.

This article is part of the System Manual
Alpha Sector
Aurora System Setii System Phare System
Aurora PrimeEos HadesAshtarOsirisGhenna HelaThorUllyrFriggSifNjordLoki
Carrida System Lantare System
Carrida ICarrida II Lantare
Beta Sector
Lyarna System Hier System Karana System
DrezoSol'rahlRavouinDesalmadoBraaksma Dar DevaSahareLearsKaiburr
Lyccos System Pirath System Yridia System
Lyccos II CinadHiranPirath III Yridia IIYridia IX
Dar'Telis System
Dar'Telis I
Allied Territories
Last update: Turtle Jerrar (02/8/2025)