System Manual:Lyccos II

From Emperor's Hammer Encyclopaedia Imperia
(Redirected from System Manual:Lycos II)

Lyccos II is a planet within the Lyccos System. It is the second planet from the system's star and the only inhabited planet in the system.


The planet of Lyccos II is a contradiction and by the reckoning of most Imperial sociologists should not even exist. Upon discovery 83 years ago, the Old Republic (followed by the Empire) identified the presence of ruins and thousands of artificial, subterranean caverns indicating the presence of an ancient, wondrous civilization predating the Old Republic (i.e. greater than 4,000 years old). Although the planet's surface was now much too hot for colonization, the immense subterranean caverns, often spanning hundreds of kilometers) were apparently utilized by the former natives to escape the expanding heat of their dying sun. Unlike the recent colonists, it is presumed this ancient civilization did not have unlimited (albeit expensive) access to an interstellar economy for water, food, medicine, and other vitals for continuing life. Imperial archaeologists assume that the Lyccosians simply died of starvation, thirst and/or disease. During the height of the Empire, millions of colonists and scientists seeking refuge from the Emperor's oppressions decided an existence in obscurity in the Minos Cluster was preferable to life under Palpatine's rule. Consequently, an odd mix of pirates, rogues and some of the brightest intellectuals in the galaxy can be found here. Fortunately, the cavern system on Lyccos supports a tolerable lifestyle, even though breathing masks are recommended to protect against the natural accumulations of various subsurface pollutants such as hydrogen sulfide and carbon monoxide. As such, each of the larger cavern systems has developed into a city-state of its own, with its own crime lord and/or scientist as its head. Often the ancient Lyccosian ruins are used as palaces, markets and domiciles.

Over the past couple of decades, this system has enjoyed relative peace, as the scientists need the crime lords to provide needed supplies, food, entertainment, etc., and the crime lords require the scientists to maintain their alien environmental systems and help catalog the strange and wondrous technologies discovered here prior to their sale off-planet. Each of the "cavern-states" enjoys a certain degree of independence as various Sullust, Hutt, human and Twi'lek leaders jockey for control over the very limited resources on the planet. A total of 29 major cavern states are known to exist, with possibly thousands of smaller, independent caves populated and interconnected within the crust of the planet. Transport between caverns is usually by massive repulsorlift barges that regularly roam the caverns, bringing much-needed supplies and personnel throughout the planet. However, the wealthier colonists often have their own repulsorlift speeders.

Although not much of the Lyccosian civilization remains on the surface, the intertwined, subsurface system of caverns contains many ancient ruins, libraries, artifacts and technologies...remnants of their civilization. Although these technologies are primarily little more than artifacts and oddities to the technologically superior, hyperspace age Imperials, they are still wondrous and beautiful examples of a dying world. Many are suited to providing life within the gloomy and dark confines of the caverns. For example, some of the oxygen and water recirculating equipment surpasses even the latest systems used in the Imperial star fleet. The old structures and ruins are also amazing in their own right. Built into the sidewalls, floors and even ceilings of the caverns to maximize the most efficient use of the limited space, they are blocky and unattractive, but extremely functional. An elaborate and independent communication and environmental control system is also located within each cavern.

Life on Lyccos II is harsh. With the various leaders continually vying for control of larger apportionments of credits and resources, there is no central command or governing authority on the planet. As such, many pirates, raiders and even some former Rebel Alliance personnel enjoy an uninhibited lifestyle on Lyccos II. Far from the prying eyes of the Empire and the New Republic, the citizens of Lyccos II consider themselves independent...However, a brisk smuggler's trade with the Empire and New Republic controlled territories is enjoyed.

System Facilities[edit]

  • Lyccos StarPort
  • Ancient Alien Ruins
  • 29 Large "Cavern States"
This article is part of the System Manual
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Allied Territories
Last update: Turtle Jerrar (02/9/2025)