System Manual:Yridia System

From Emperor's Hammer Encyclopaedia Imperia

The Yridia System, a system in the Minos Cluster, was colonized about 40 years ago in an attempt to bring more mineral resources to the Empire's war machine. Imperial colonists, backed by the might of the Imperial Navy, quickly set up colonies, mines and factories to produce these materials and ship them back to the Inner Core Worlds of the Empire. Unfortunately, the colonists that the Empire selected for immigration were far from the elite of Imperial society. In fact, the Empire apparently selected colonists for Yridia II to rid itself of approximately one million ideological sociopaths, misfits and malcontents and sent them far away to the Outer Rim. Although the system has never been listed on any star charts as a penal colony, it has certainly become one. With minimal Imperial or even Corporate contact, the colonists of Yridia II were essentially abandoned.

In contrast, Yridia IX has become a relatively successful center for Corporate and Underworld trade in the Minos Cluster. Although the native lommite mines in the Itaana Asteroid belt help the local economy, the underworld business is really what keeps the system economically viable. The Starport of Yridia IX, Eden, is an infamous den of villainy, decadence and cheaply purchased pleasures.

With the recent Borderlands conflicts between the Emperor's Hammer and Rebel Squadrons, renewed interest in these strategically located worlds has risen. However, neither side has been eager to disrupt the local cultures, as they are "well-entrenched" to say the least. Some of the colonists on Yridia IX can actually be bartered with as various Corporations and smugglers have limited success. The colonists of Yridia II are almost cult-like, killing most off-worlders on-site.. whom the natives consider to have abandoned them.

The designations for Yridia II and Yridia IX are misnomers. These two planetary bodies are the first and ninth largest in-system bodies; the only ones that have breathable atmospheres. Several dozen planetoids varying in size from 10 km to 4,000 km are also in orbit around the yellow sun of Yridia...However, they either have no appreciable atmosphere or they are toxic to humanoid existence...

Habitable Territories of the System[edit]

Notable System Facilities[edit]

  • Yridia II Government Complex
  • Itaana Asteroid Belt
  • Eden StarPort
This article is part of the System Manual
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Allied Territories
Last update: Turtle Jerrar (02/8/2025)