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General Coranel Both is a TIE pilot assigned as a Flight Member in Epsilon Squadron as part of Wing I aboard Imperial-II Class Star Destroyer Hammer. Both previously served as Squadron Commander of Wasp, Typhoon, Beta, and Epsilon Squadrons, Battlegroup Commander of the TIE Corps Battlegroups, and Commodore of the Imperial-II Class Star Destroyer Challenge.


Early History

Coronel Both was born on Corellia in 12 BBY. His father was an Engineer who worked for Corellian Engineering Corporation while his mother worked in Sales for Gowix Computers until their corporate headquarters was relocated from Corellia to Corulag in 1 ABY. He has one older brother who left Corellia to join the New Republic when Coranel was sixteen. As citizens of Corellia, Coranel's family were considered middle class. While not wealthy enough for private education, the jobs of his two parents were enough to provide for their family of four.

At the age of five, Both was diagnosed with a virulent strain of the Endregaad Plague which kept him in bed for six months.

Joining the TIE Corps

Frustrated with what he considered his brother's betrayal of joining the New Republic, Coranel signed up with the Corellian Defense Fleet as soon as he turned eighteen years of age. He served with distinction in the CDF for four years before abruptly retiring with little explanation given to his superiors.

Coranel served in the TIE Corps from 10 ABY until 15 ABY, where he held positions as low as that of a Flight Member to as high as the Battlegroup Commander of the TIE Corps Battlegroup. In 15 ABY, he resigned his position as Commodore of the ISD Challenge and left on a Leave of Absence that lasted for 9 years with little to no explanation (except, it is rumored, to his closest friends aboard the ISD Challenge and ISD Vanguard). He returned aboard a Marauder-class Corvette (with little explanation of where he had gone or what he had been doing) to resume the duties of a TIE Corps pilot in Beta Squadron aboard the ISD Hammer.

Alignment and Attitude

Like most Corellians, Coranel has a dislike for nearly all figures of authority. He does, however, feel strongly about the Galactic Empire being the government of the future and feels that the New Republic does not truly care about it's citizens the way that the Empire does. Fishing and hunting are two of his favorite hobbies and anytime he takes a leave of absence, it is usually to go to a backwater world to do one of those activities.

With the thoughts of betrayal that have existed since his brother left to join the New Republic, Coranel has a very pro-Empire stance. He truly believes that the Empire is the government of the future.

TIE Corps Career

TIE Corps Career Standings

Date Position Time Spent
09/02/2001 TRN/CT Coranel Both/Bravo Company/PLT Daedalus 6d
09/08/2001 FM/SL Coranel Both/Krayt 3-3/Wing XIV/ISD Intrepid 1d
09/09/2001 FM/LT Coranel Both/Krayt 3-3/Wing XIV/ISD Intrepid 13d
09/22/2001 FL/LT Coranel Both/Krayt 3-1/Wing XIV/ISD Intrepid 3m,4d
12/26/2001 FM/LT Coranel Both/Typhoon 3-3/Wing X/ISD Challenge 7d
01/02/2002 FL/LT Coranel Both/Typhoon 3-1/Wing X/ISD Challenge 1m,6d
02/07/2002 FL/LCM Coranel Both/Typhoon 3-1/Wing X/ISD Challenge 2m,29d
05/08/2002 FL/CM Coranel Both/Typhoon 3-1/Wing X/ISD Challenge 15d
05/23/2002 FM/SL Coranel Both/Typhoon 3-2/Wing X/ISD Challenge 8d
05/31/2002 RSV/SL Coranel Both/M/FRG Phoenix/Reserves 3m,10d
09/09/2002 FM/SL Coranel Both/Wasp 1-2/Wing XV/ISD Vanguard 6d
09/15/2002 FM/LT Coranel Both/Wasp 1-2/Wing XV/ISD Vanguard 2m,14d
11/29/2002 FM/LCM Coranel Both/Wasp 1-2/Wing XV/ISD Vanguard 2d
12/01/2002 FL/LCM Coranel Both/Wasp 2-1/Wing XV/ISD Vanguard 2m,30d
03/02/2003 FL/CM Coranel Both/Wasp 2-1/Wing XV/ISD Vanguard 1m,1d
04/02/2003 RSV/CM Coranel Both/M/FRG Phoenix/Reserves 4m,24d
08/26/2003 FM/CM Coranel Both/Mantis 1-3/Wing XV/ISD Vanguard 25d
09/20/2003 CMDR/CM Coranel Both/Wasp/Wing XV/ISD Vanguard 1m,13d
11/02/2003 FM/CM Coranel Both/Wasp 2-3/Wing XV/ISD Vanguard 3d
11/05/2003 FM/CM Coranel Both/Tempest 1-2/Wing X/ISD Challenge 6m,22d
05/28/2004 CMDR/CM Coranel Both/Typhoon/Wing X/ISD Challenge 16d
06/13/2004 CMDR/CPT Coranel Both/Typhoon/Wing X/ISD Challenge 12d
06/25/2004 RSV/CPT Coranel Both/M/FRG Phoenix/Reserves 3m,14d
10/08/2004 FM/CPT Coranel Both/Typhoon 2-2/Wing X/ISD Challenge 15d
10/23/2004 FL/CPT Coranel Both/Typhoon 2-1/Wing X/ISD Challenge 28d
11/20/2004 WC/MAJ Coranel Both/Wing X/ISD Challenge 2m,17d
02/06/2005 WC/LC Coranel Both/Wing X/ISD Challenge 2m,28d
05/06/2005 WC/COL Coranel Both/Wing X/ISD Challenge 4m,1d
09/06/2005 WC/GN Coranel Both/Wing X/ISD Challenge 2m,17d
11/23/2005 RSV/GN Coranel Both/M/FRG Phoenix/Reserves 24d
12/17/2005 FM/COL Coranel Both/Typhoon 3-2/Wing X/ISD Challenge 30d
01/16/2006 WC/COL Coranel Both/Wing X/ISD Challenge 1m,11d
02/26/2006 BGCOM/VA Coranel Both/TIE Corps Battlegroups 4m,17d
07/15/2006 RSV/VA Coranel Both/M/FRG Phoenix/Reserves 9d
07/24/2006 COM/VA Coranel Both/ISD Challenge 2m,17d
10/10/2006 RSV/VA Coranel Both/M/FRG Phoenix/Reserves 5y,9m,29d
08/08/2012 VA Coranel Both [Inactive] 3y,18d
08/27/2015 RSV/VA Coranel Both/M/FRG Phoenix 1d
08/27/2015 FM/COL Coranel Both/Beta 3-3/Wing I/ISDII Hammer 6d
09/02/2015 FM/GN Coranel Both/Beta 3-3/Wing I/ISDII Hammer 1m,12d
10/14/2015 FL/GN Coranel Both/Beta 2-1/Wing I/ISDII Hammer 4m,30d
03/14/2016 CMDR/GN Coranel Both/Beta/Wing I/ISDII Hammer 1y,5m,19d
09/01/2017 FL/GN Coranel Both/Epsilon 2-1/Wing I/ISDII Hammer 2m,18d
11/19/2017 CMDR/GN Coranel Both/Epsilon/Wing I/ISDII Hammer 4m,13d
04/03/2018 FM/GN Coranel Both/Epsilon 3-2/Wing I/ISDII Hammer current

TIE Corps Medals and Awards Earned