System Manual:Lien

From Emperor's Hammer Encyclopaedia Imperia

Lien is the Sanctuary Moon orbiting the planet Hiran in the Pirath System, deep within the Beta Sector. Lien previously was the home of a powerful clan of exiled Dark Jedi who disappeared some time ago. Thousands of years after the disappearance of Xuin Carat's renegade clan, the newly formed Hetaeria named Validus claimed it as their new base of operations to conduct their piracy operations throughout the Beta Sector.


Perhaps one of the more mysterious places in the galaxy, Lien is reveled in ancient Hirani religion. Due to its almost perfectly circular orbit of Hiran, Lien has the advantage of receiving great amounts of reflected light/heat energy from its host planet during the cold winter months. This allows Lien to remain relatively humid and warm year-round and support a wide variety of life. Although the most exciting events in Lien's history took place over 8,000 years ago during the early days of the Old Republic and the Sith, the Hirani still hold the moon as a very evil influence in their religion.

The "Scrolls of Licarna" (A Hirani prophet living about 8,000 years ago) speak of the "Sorcerers of Darkness" who "Came from the sky to fall upon the forest-globe". The Scrolls (written by Licarna throughout his life) go on to describe how the Sorcerers occasionally came to Hiran, taking back with them the strongest and most intelligent people that the planet had to offer. The Sorcerers apparently wielded "Blades of Light" and one of them, known as Xuin Carat, could "project the wrath of the gods from his fingertips". Licarna explained that the Sorcerers represented all that was evil within the universe, and to resist them was to resist the darkness within one's soul. The Sorcerers` often violent visits to Hiran ended only a half-century after they had begun. However, these legends live today in the Hirani mythos and such stories are often told to children by their parents to make them behave.

Imperial Geologic Surveys of Lien show only one artificial structure on the planet - a large marble "Cathedral" as the original Old Republic surveyors described it. Old Republic Historians quickly dispelled the myth of the Sorcerers- 8,000 years ago, during the early days of space travel, a group of Dark Jedi led by the exiled Sith Lord Xuin Carat, attempted a takeover of Coruscant. The Dark Jedi coup was quickly defeated and the participants exiled to a distant star - Pirath. The Dark Jedi transport ship crashed on Lien, and that was the last heard from them. It is now plainly obvious that the ruins of the Cathedral of Darkness present on the moon.

This article is part of the System Manual
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Aurora PrimeEos HadesAshtarOsirisGhenna HelaThorUllyrFriggSifNjordLoki
Carrida System Lantare System
Carrida ICarrida II Lantare
Beta Sector
Lyarna System Hier System Karana System
DrezoSol'rahlRavouinDesalmadoBraaksma Dar DevaSahareLearsKaiburr
Lyccos System Pirath System Yridia System
Lyccos II CinadHiranPirath III Yridia IIYridia IX
Dar'Telis System
Dar'Telis I
Allied Territories
Last update: Turtle Jerrar (02/9/2025)