System Manual:Yridia II

From Emperor's Hammer Encyclopaedia Imperia

Yridia II is a habitable planet located in the Yridia System of the Minos Cluster.

Yridia II is an ocean planet with water covering approximately 99% of its surface. Human life on the planet is primarily restricted to the several dozen island chains that dot the surface...the tops of the tallest submerged mountain chains on the planet. Life has been harsh for the colonists who came to Yridia II, but it has also been free. Far from the Empire or the Rebellion, the original 1,000,000 colonists have not only survived on this serene ocean world with limited dry land, but they have successfully adapted and begun to thrive. With only several thousand square miles of useable land available for colonization, its maximum usage was paramount. In the early colonial days, the original colonists built their places of worship and governmental centers on these island chains (i.e. the Yridia II Government Complex), and so it remains today.

Early in the history of civilization of Yridia II, when their Imperial suppliers began to stop their trade runs, the colonists unanimously decided to return their culture to a simpler, feudal based system in order to survive. Each sub-culture of the various clans, religions and families constructed immense wind-barges and floating cities, separated into independent "Houses" and went their own way on the oceans of Yridia II. With the serene Yridia II climate, simple flotation support was all that was needed to create moderate-sized floating cities...each could house several thousand inhabitants. The ocean contained several hostile forms of life but is typically an abundant food source. The Yridian colonists have thus become accomplished seamen and fishermen. However, within two generations, several large-scale sea battles ensued between several of the Houses over control of the remaining Imperial-age technology. Weapons, computers, communication equipment, luxuries and medical technology were becoming scarce and thousands died in these battles, often fought with nothing more than bladed weapons, slugthrowers and fast attack boats armed with only primitive ramming devices.

Several years ago, one of the feudal Houses was contacted by a consortium of off-world smugglers (some suspect the Hutts of Lyccos II) and limited amounts of over-priced technology began to permeate the culture. Although more weapons exist on the planet (limited blaster technology is available, but most weapons are slugthrowers), more medical technology and basic equipment has also been imported. The natives do not seem to want or need more. With their massive floating cities, sail barges, and support facilities, the Yridian colonists seem content to live off the produce of their world.

The several Imperial and Rebel diplomatic missions recently sent to the planet have been greeted by hordes of colonists who more often than not despise their more technologically advanced "guests". There also have been several reports of the natives simply falling upon a party of diplomats or smugglers unprovoked, then pillaging their aqua-skiffs or water-speeders for weapons, food, supplies and equipment.

All non-human species are warned to not land on Yridia II as the colonists have become extremely xenophobic.

The two moons of Yridia II Koros and Fenris are small, lifeless hunks of rock.

This article is part of the System Manual
Alpha Sector
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Carrida ICarrida II Lantare
Beta Sector
Lyarna System Hier System Karana System
DrezoSol'rahlRavouinDesalmadoBraaksma Dar DevaSahareLearsKaiburr
Lyccos System Pirath System Yridia System
Lyccos II CinadHiranPirath III Yridia IIYridia IX
Dar'Telis System
Dar'Telis I
Allied Territories
Last update: Turtle Jerrar (02/8/2025)