Raise the Flag 2018

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Raise the Flag 2018 was a TIE Corps fleet-wide competition in June 2018 including all available ships, squadrons and pilots. The victorious ship had the honour of carrying the Flag of the TIE Corps Commander for the next year. Winning ship was ISD Warrior, winning squadron was Cyclone Squadron, and winning pilot was AD Pete Mitchell. However, because AD Pete Mitchell was appointed the next TCCOM by Pellaeon (and because the TCCOM can't be his own escort or wingman), Theta Squadron and GN Elwood the Brave were named TCCOM's Own Escort and Wingman, respectively.


Raise The Flag 2018 was to determine the Flagship of the TIE Corps for the next 12 months, the TCCOM’s Own Escort Squadron and TCCOM’s Wingman for the next 6 months. The Flagship/Escort Squadron/Wingman were going to be the ones who managed to acquire the highest number of points in the competition throughout the month of June 2018. Any forms of activity presented by the pilots granted points to their ships. Points to each activity were listed as follows:

Single Player

  • 1 point to each Single Player mission flown from the TC Battle Center
  • 5 points for every mission high score
  • 5 points x # of missions in the battle for every battle high score

(each battle/free mission in the compendium could be flown only once throughout the month for credit in the

competition, not considering eventual battles selected for the bonus comp).


  • 1 point for every LoC awarded in any COO-approved platform
  • 1/2 point for every LoS awarded in any cooperative PvE COO-approved platform
  • 50 points for a DFC (in events taking place in June)


  • 1-10 points were awarded to each fiction submitted, judged by the TCCOM and SOO (TCCOM and SOO submissions were graded by the COO and ship COMs)
  • 1-5 points were awarded to each graphic submitted, judged by the TCCOM and SOO (TCCOM and SOO submissions were graded by the COO and ship COMs)

Bonus points

Bonus points were awarded only to the pilot’s ship and squadron, but regular points coming from Bonus comp

activities were awarded to the pilots regularly.

  • From June 1st to 11th, a fiction competition – 100, 75, 50, 25
  • From June 8th to 18th, a graphics competition – 100, 75, 50, 25
  • From June 15th to 25nd, a Multiplayer competition – 200, 150, 100, 50
  • From June 22nd to 30th, a Single Player competition – 200, 150, 100, 50

All other participants in the bonus competitions would have their squadrons and ships awarded 5 points for participation. Bonus competitions details were released separately.

no points for

  • Squadron Citations earned: all squadrons and ships must get into the competition with equal conditions, and citations might be easier for one squadron to get than for another.
  • FCHG/CR Rank gains points: these rank gains can be more easily achieved by one pilot than by the other, and pilots must enter the competition with equal conditions to award points.
  • IWATS/IU Courses taken, because of the current EH system not allowing the retaking of tests.
  • Mission Creation: because Mission creation takes too long to be placed in a month long competition, and it would be difficult to see results.


The ships fighting for the Flag were the ISDII Hammer, commanded by Commodore Miles Prower; the ISDII Warrior, led by Commodore Plif; and the ISDII Challenge, led by TIE Corps Commander Pellaeon.


  • Pilot’s overall scores: IS-PW, IS-GW, IS-SW, IS-BW, if the majority of the pilot’s points came from flying, OR IS-PR, IS-GR, IS-SR, IS-BR if the majority of the pilot’s points came from non-flying activities.
  • Pilot’s SP points – independent from Ace of the TC competition, since the point system is different: IS-GW, IS-SW, IS-BW.
  • Pilot’s MP points – independent from MP Ace of the TC competition, because of the award of points for losses during the Bonus MP competition: IS-GW, IS-SW, IS-BW.
  • Pilot’s Fiction points: IS-GR, IS-SR, IS-BR.
  • Pilot’s Graphics: IS-GR, IS-SR, IS-BR.
  • Fiction bonus comp: IS-GR, IS-SR, IS-BR
  • Graphics bonus comp: IS-GR, IS-SR, IS-BR
  • MP bonus comp: IS-GW, IS-SW, IS-BW
  • SP bonus comp: IS-GW, IS-SW, IS-BW for overall three first places in the comp, plus additional medals for winners in each platform



Rank Ship Commodore Total Score
1 ISD Warrior Plif 5577
2 ISD Challenge Pellaeon 2578
3 ISD Hammer Miles Prower 2315


Rank Squadron Ship Score
1 Cyclone ISDII Challenge 2518
2 Theta ISDII Warrior 2359
3 Epsilon ISDII Hammer 1637
4 Sin ISDII Warrior 1527
5 Kappa ISDII Warrior 1133
6 Delta ISDII Hammer 585
7 Alpha ISDII Hammer 0
8 Beta ISDII Hammer 0
9 Sigma ISDII Warrior 0


Rank Pilot Squadron Score
1 AD Pete Mitchell Cyclone 2039
2 GN Elwood the Brave Epsilon 1235.5
3 GN Pickled Yoda Theta 1067.5
4 AD Plif ISD Warrior 538
5 LC Hav Antiel Sin 513
6 CPT Aldaric Kappa 435.5
7 COL Mark Schueler Theta 431
8 LC Earnim Branet Sin 384.5
9 COL Hawkins Kappa 267
10 AD Silvius Cyclone 254
11 GN Gilad Pelleaon Theta 234
12 COL Impulse Delta 193
13 GN Anahorn Dempsey Delta 175.5
14 CPT Rando Sin 169
15 LC Michael Emrys Theta 142
16 AD Miles Prower ISD Hammer 58.5
17 LT Kiba Kappa 57
181 GN Coranel Both Epsilon 54
19 MAJ Wondra Sin 47.5
20 GN John T. Clark Delta 46
21 FA Pellaeon ISD Challenge 45
22 GN Jarek La'an Theta 34
23 COL Gyssler Epsilon 24
24 GN Dunta Polo Kappa 21.5
25 LT Jack Wynand Sin 20
26 LT DarkSith_99 Epsilon 18
27 LCM Steve Dermody Epsilon 10.5
28 GN Exar Kit Sin 10
29 MAJ Xavier Sienar Sin 8
30 LCM Lucifer Scorpio Romanov Kappa 7
Preceded by
Raise the Flag 2017
Raise the Flag
Annual Competitions
Succeeded by
Raise the Flag 2019